No one knows a prescription drug’s side effects like the person taking it.
Make your voice heard.
RxISK is a free, independent drug safety website to help you weigh the benefits of any medication against its potential dangers.
Could it be my meds?
All drugs have side effects, but people often don’t link the effect they are experiencing to starting, stopping, or changing the dose of a drug. RxISK provides free access to information and tools to help you assess the connection between a drug and a side effect.
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Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction
Explore our RxISK Zones
The RxISK Zones bring together a collection of content from our website about each type of side effect. They are aimed at giving you a good overview of the issue without having to search through lots of material.
Are you experiencing a drug side effect?
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The RxISK Report takes 10 minutes to complete and provides you with a RxISK Score indicating how likely it is that your problem is caused by starting or stopping a prescription drug.
PSSD Research Fund
Your donations are needed to fund scientific research into post-SSRI sexual dysfunction (PSSD) and other enduring sexual dysfunctions. The aim is to better understand the biology of these conditions and hopefully find treatments.
From The Blog…
New Article about PSSD Epidemiology
We are pleased to announce the publication of “Post-SSRI sexual dysfunction: barriers to quantifying incidence and prevalence” in Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences. The journal was an ideal fit for the article, so we’re pleased that they not only accepted it for publication but also made it an editorial and freely available. RxISK first explored the…
Madness, Normality and Antidepressant Dysregulation
Some weeks ago, Bob Whitaker asked me to do a Mad in America Continuing Education Webinar on the problems stopping Antidepressants. The talk with discussion is here Stopping Antidepressants and responses to points raised will be followed up in forthcoming posts. I prerecorded the talk in case of disaster as Tapering Antidepressants which…
Continue Reading Madness, Normality and Antidepressant Dysregulation
The Seductive Charm of Pharmacology
The Post-Finasteride Syndrome Foundation has done great work for over a decade raising the profile of the sexual dysfunction that finasteride (Propecia) can cause – Post-Finasteride Syndrome – and more recently the suicidal effects this drug can have. The clear similarities between the difficulties triggered by Finasteride/Propecia, Isotretinoin/Accutane and SSRIs often tantalising glimpses of routes toward…