No one knows a prescription drug’s side effects like the person taking it.
Make your voice heard.
RxISK is a free, independent drug safety website to help you weigh the benefits of any medication against its potential dangers.
Could it be my meds?
All drugs have side effects, but people often don’t link the effect they are experiencing to starting, stopping, or changing the dose of a drug. RxISK provides free access to information and tools to help you assess the connection between a drug and a side effect.
Get medication harms into your medical record
Our free Healthcare Record Pro Forma is a one page document that you can complete with details of your problem together with an official SNOMED code, and then give it to your doctor.
Explore our RxISK Zones
The RxISK Zones bring together a collection of content from our website about each type of side effect. They are aimed at giving you a good overview of the issue without having to search through lots of material.
Our zones cover suicide, violence, sex and relationships, hair, skin and nails, withdrawal, vision, and fertility.
PSSD Research Fund
Your donations are needed to fund scientific research into post-SSRI sexual dysfunction (PSSD) and other enduring sexual dysfunctions. The aim is to better understand the biology of these conditions and hopefully find treatments.
From The Blog…
Who Will Make Medicine Great Again
Apologies to all readers outside of Britain who may never have heard about The Pirates of Penzance, definitely not The Pirates of the Caribbean. PoP though has a famous song – I am the Very Model of a Modern Major General – featuring a dimwit General who knows everything about everything except military strategy. This post…
Deciphering the Web We Have Woven
Three people who got in touch recently, one with a problem, one with an idea, and one ‘outraged’ contributed to this post. The problem and idea illustrate what happens when doctors take Probity Blockers. The outrage tells you almost everything you need to know about the Web we are enmeshed in. Using the problem, idea…
Hope, Hype, Consent and Alzheimer’s
By Johanna Ryan A recent New York Times article told the troubling story of two women who died in a clinical trial of a new Alzheimer’s drug. Jean and Genna One in particular stayed on my mind. Her name was Jean Terrien, and she was just about my age. Like me, she lived in the…