The fuss about ketamine has generated interest in where it has come from. There were probably multiple beginnings. One was with Stan Grof, who moved from Prague to Baltimore in 1967. His interest in therapy led him to a focus on early life experience. This stemmed from work with LSD and psilocybin in the 1950s and 1960s, under the influence of which many people volunteered … [Read more...] about Ketamine: What’s God got to do with it?
Bait and Switch: the Great Ketamine “Breakthrough”
Post by Johanna Ryan Maybe you heard the exciting news last month about a game-changing new treatment for depression. It offered new hope to millions who were not helped by existing drugs, the headlines said – the first real breakthrough in depression treatment since Prozac, some thirty years ago. The product was Janssen’s esketamine nasal inhaler, described … [Read more...] about Bait and Switch: the Great Ketamine “Breakthrough”
Could your Stimulant or Antidepressant cause Dementia?
Quixotic Challenge A few years ago, a friend, Alan Baumeister, embarked on an interesting journey. Alan had been Head of Psychology in Louisiana State University. He has been actively involved in the history of the mental health field and psychological inputs to it for a long time. Louisiana is the state that hosted Robert Heath in Tulane University in the 1970s who it … [Read more...] about Could your Stimulant or Antidepressant cause Dementia?
Is there such a thing as Adult ADHD?
After a variety of incarnations - Minimal Brain Damage - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) came on the radar in the 1970s in the US and exploded with its codification in DSM-III in 1980. The general sense in most of the world in the 1980s - aside from a developing ADHD-mania in the US - was that it affected children, particularly boys, but that they grew out of … [Read more...] about Is there such a thing as Adult ADHD?
Fluoroquinolones: Not so Carte-Blanche
Last June, in “Historic Summit: Flox and Tox Get Together”, I told you about the European Medicines Agency's Review and Public Hearing into the side effects of Fluoroquinolones. It was only the second time in the EMA's history that they'd decided to hold a Public Hearing (because of the amount of public interest in this review) (1), so it was indeed historic. They later … [Read more...] about Fluoroquinolones: Not so Carte-Blanche
Serotonin Syndrome
It is commonly recognized that certain medications should not be administered with some others. What is not well known is that several over the counter (OTC) medications and herbal supplements can be lethal if taken with SSRIs. I have a patient who was taking fluoxetine and, experiencing some difficulty with sleep, decided to take one tab of melatonin. He woke up with a red … [Read more...] about Serotonin Syndrome
RxISK’s Ten Threats to Global Health 2019
WHO's Ten Threats to Global Health in 2019 have been much in the news lately - a kind of collective New Year's Resolution list. The 10 resolutions can be seen below. They have prompted an alternate RxISK list of threats. These are not listed in order of importance. RxISK's Threat List Sequestration of Clinical Trial Data. Most of what passes as science in medicine is … [Read more...] about RxISK’s Ten Threats to Global Health 2019
Fake News and the Great Purple Pill
Editorial: This post by Johanna Ryan is one of several that will pick up on the Fake News theme. But we also want anyone who has PPI stories to get in touch. And to pick up Dee Mangin's legacy prescribing issue, do PPIs lead to SSRI use or is it the other way around? There is a complementary post - Fake What - on Increasingly, any information about adverse effects … [Read more...] about Fake News and the Great Purple Pill
PSSD and Hancock’s Half Brexit
Editorial Note: The photograph is of Matt Hancock, England's Health Secretary. The photograph below is of Guido Rasi, the director of EMA. The title echoes a famous British TV program - Hancock's Half Hour, which over 50 years ago was must watch comedy on the BBC. This letter was emailed and posted yesterday. There is an update detailed below. Matt Hancock Secretary of … [Read more...] about PSSD and Hancock’s Half Brexit
Silent Night – in the Vatican
There is no intention in this piece to cause offence. But there seems to be no point in being anything other than blunt. Two thousand years ago, Aristotle could argue that politics should be moral - that we should govern the polis in a manner that fostered virtue in its citizens. There wasn’t then the split between public and private morality there is now. The polis was … [Read more...] about Silent Night – in the Vatican