Editorial note: Renny's story chillingly outlines the misery of Dopamine Agonist Withdrawal Syndrome (DAWS). Below this we present data from RxISK's SoS Zone showing rates of Symptoms on Stopping and related problems on Dopamine Agonists which fully bear out her personal experience. I was prescribed Mirapex (Pramipexole), a ‘Dopamine Agonist’, in early 2012 for ‘Restless Legs … [Read more...] about Dopamine Agonist Withdrawal Syndrome (DAWS)
RxISK’s SoS Zone: Symptoms on Stopping
[Note: The current version of the Withdrawal Zone works differently than described below.] Birth of the SoS zone Backed into a corner by Panorama's Shelley Jofre in 2003, GSK's Alastair Benbow was faced with an accusation that GSK's Paxil - Seroxat was addictive. No it's not he said. He had a snag though, he couldn't use the words withdrawal or dependence, as to most people … [Read more...] about RxISK’s SoS Zone: Symptoms on Stopping
Trouble stopping your meds? New tool from RxISK can help
Editorial Note: Following a redesign of the website in 2015, the Symptoms on Stopping Zone mentioned in this article now works differently. You can search for withdrawal related side effects in the Drugs A-Z section. Side effects can be reported using the main “Report a Side Effect” function. Free online tool to research and report prescription drug side effects on … [Read more...] about Trouble stopping your meds? New tool from RxISK can help
Doctor Experiences Antidepressant Withdrawal
Editorial Note: Sven Ternov, a doctor working in Sweden, recently wrote this article which appeared in DagensMedicin in January 2013. He has translated it for RxISK. Several other doctors have written about their difficulties in withdrawing from antidepressants - mostly men which is interesting. Posts to RxISK on the topic of withdrawal, Antidepressant Withdrawal: V's … [Read more...] about Doctor Experiences Antidepressant Withdrawal
Monica’s Story: The Aftermath of Polypsychopharmacology
I recently contacted the doctor who is responsible for my iatrogenesis — the doctor who grossly over-medicated me and made me ill. I’ve been corresponding with him for several years now, but this was the first telephone conversation I’ve had with him since telling him what his drug cocktail did to me. He rarely says much in response to my emails where I link to the articles … [Read more...] about Monica’s Story: The Aftermath of Polypsychopharmacology
Night of the Living Cymbalta: B’s Story
I myself had been on and off a long series of antidepressants, but never had really dramatic withdrawal symptoms until I stopped the SNRI inhibitor Cymbalta. It started when I tried to step down from 120 mg per day, back to the standard 60 mg dose. From simply feeling depressed and tired, I shifted into full meltdown mode: crying uncontrollably; unable to concentrate; … [Read more...] about Night of the Living Cymbalta: B’s Story
Antidepressant Withdrawal: V’s Story
Question from V This is what V wrote on filing a RxISK report. I quit taking Prozac using a step-down method. Started in Sept. 2011 and finally off in January 2012. I experienced severe loss of balance early on, which progressed into full-blown ataxia & parasthesia. Have had extensive blood-testing & MRIs of brain & cervical spine, all negative! I have to believe … [Read more...] about Antidepressant Withdrawal: V’s Story
Azathioprine Withdrawal
This post was written by Ken Spriggs and comes from his DIYEHR (do it yourself electronic health record) site. It brings out nicely how some people are only aware of the problems their drug causes when they stop. This is particularly true for people taking statins, but can be found taking anything from aspirin to azathioprine. Poison is an emotive word but all drugs are poisons … [Read more...] about Azathioprine Withdrawal
Clopidogrel Withdrawal
This is a first in a series of RxISK stories. We want any accounts of adverse or interesting events on drugs or new uses for drugs from people on them or doctors, pharmacists or others trying to manage the effects of drugs. We would be very interested in accounts of what happens when people take RxISK reports to doctors and what people may discover about their treatment. Query … [Read more...] about Clopidogrel Withdrawal