Below is a collection of media articles from around the world featuring post-SSRI sexual dysfunction (PSSD) or related conditions. The list includes newspapers, magazines, TV and online media.
If you can find others, please let us know.
Post-SSRI sexual dysfunction
Mail Online: I’ve had no sensation in my penis for 13 years after my doctor prescribed me drugs that ruined my sex life [Full article is available using this link]
New York Post: Gen Zers says antidepressants have ruined their sex lives
Global News (Canada): Calls for more transparency on medication side effects
Dazed: PSSD: What happens when antidepressants kill your sex drive
Daily Mail: The antidepressant that ruined my life: At 20, I was prescribed a drug taken by millions. Now I can’t have sex and despair for my future [Full article is available using this link]
Brasil em Folhas: Disfunção sexual pós-antidepressivos gera preocupação em pacientes e especialistas (in Portuguese)
g1: O risco de anestesia genital depois de interromper o uso de antidepressivos (in Portuguese)
Marie France: Antidépresseurs : ce trouble sexuel durable et méconnu menace le bien-être des couples, selon une nouvelle étude (in French)
Metro: My antidepressants left me with no feeling in my genitals
Daily Mail: Doctors reveal how antidepressants can PERMANENTLY destroy your sex life, cause pleasureless orgasms and numb genitals – as young people who have taken them say: ‘I’ve feel like I’ve been castrated’ [Full article is available using this link]
NBC Washington: Antidepressants and sexual dysfunction: Here’s what to know
The Spectator: Are antidepressants making you asexual?
Reuters: FDA sued by scientist urging sexual side effects warning for widely used depression drugs
TVI: Exclusive with Sandra Felgueiras (in Portuguese)
Evie: Can Antidepressants Make You Permanently Asexual?
The Guardian: ‘It feels like we’ve been lobotomised’: the possible sexual consequences of SSRIs
Daily Express US: Antidepressants could permanently destroy your sex life – and much more, experts warn
Voima: Mielen hoitoon käytetyt lääkkeet aiheuttavat osalle käyttäjistä ongelmia, jotka jatkuvat lääkkeen käytön lopettamisen jälkeen (in Finnish)
Helsingin Sanomat: Kuin pelkkä kuori (in Finnish)
Nerikes Allehanda: 35-årige Arvid känner inga känslor: “Jag bara existerar” (in Swedish)
The London Free Press: Post-SSRI sexual dysfunction: Anti-depressants side effects hurting intimate experiences
The New York Times: After Antidepressants, a Loss of Sexuality An expert view on PSSD: ‘I have a hunch as to what might be causing it’ Post SSRI sexual dysfunction: ‘I had no libido – my partner and I haven’t had sex in over two years’
BBC Panorama: The Antidepressant Story
The Telegraph: Antidepressants permanently destroyed my sex life
Indigo Buzz: Qu’est-ce que la dysfonction sexuelle post-ISRS (PSSD) et que dois-je savoir à ce sujet? (in French)
Läkartidningen: Sexuell dysfunktion efter SSRI-utsättning måste beaktas (in Swedish)
Enquête de santé: Antidépresseurs: utiles ou dangereux? (in French) [The segment that discusses PSSD can be found here with English subtitles.]
Zeit Online: Antidepressiva und Sexualität: Leider keinen Bock mehr (in German)
Oh! My Mag: Commonly prescribed drug linked to sexual dysfunction, experts claim [Based on Daily Mail article.]
Daily Mail: REVEALED: The hidden epidemic of sexual dysfunction which experts blame on SSRI antidepressants
The Spokesman-Review: Sexual side effects persist despite tapering dose
Mel Magazine: For Some People, the Sexual Side Effects of SSRIs Never Go Away
Toronto Star: ‘Something So Sacred Has Been Taken Away from Me’ [Reprinted]
The Tyee: ‘Something So Sacred Has Been Taken Away from Me’
Causette Magazine: Antidépresseurs le long sommeil sexuel (in French)
VD News: Quando gli antidepressivi ti portano alla depressione (in Italian)
L’Altra Medicina: Disfunzione sessuale da psicofarmaci (in Italian)
FOCUS Magazine: A new libido-destroying epidemic?
Gli Stati Generali: Disfunzione Sessuale post-SSRI, un esempio di quello che la scienza non dice (in Italian)
Business Insider Italia: Alcuni antidepressivi possono portare a disfunzioni sessuali permanenti e la Pssd è una sindrome di cui si sa ancora poco (in Italian)
2020 Αντικαταθλιπτικά και σεξουαλική δυσλειτουργία (in Greek)
Libero: Così gli antidepressivi rendono impotenti (in Italian)
Corriere della Sera: È vero che molti antidepressivi hanno effetti negativi sulla vita sessuale? (in Italian)
Psiconline: Disfunzioni sessuali dopo la sospensione di antidepressivi SSRI (in Italian)
Notizie Disfunzione sessuale post terapia antidepressiva, scienziato chiede maggiore riconoscimento della condizione (in Italian) [No longer available at]
Gli Stati Generali: Quando, con gli antidepressivi, sparisce la sessualità (in Italian) Zespół dysfunkcji seksualnych po SSRI – przyczyny, objawy, leczenie (in Polish)
Osservatorio Malattie Rare: Disfunzione sessuale post-SSRI: quando gli antidepressivi lasciano il segno (in Italian)
Quotidiano Sanità: Disfunzione sessuale persistente dopo terapia anti-depressiva (in Italian)
ZDF: Libidoverlust durch Antidepressiva? (in German)
ZDF: Nebenwirkungen von Antidepressiva – Nie wieder Sex? (in German)
Tages-Anzeiger: Zwanzigjährige sagen mir: Die Lust ist weg (in German)
Le Lanceur: Prozac, Zoloft, Deroxat… Des troubles sexuels après l’arrêt du traitement (in French)
Il Salvagente: Antidepressivi sotto accusa: “Così ho perso il piacere della mia intimità” (in Italian)
Daily Mail: How depression pills can wreck your sex life
Metro: Antidepressants were supposed to help me but they ended up making me impotent
Lyon Capitale: Un antidépresseur peut-il détruire votre vie sexuelle? (in French)
U.S. News: Do You Have Sexual Side Effects From Antidepressants You Stopped Taking?
The Guardian: My life in sex: ‘After taking antidepressants, my genitals felt numb’
The Guardian: ‘I don’t know who I am without it’: the truth about long-term antidepressant use
Daily Mail: Depression pills sabotaged my love life [The published article was heavily edited from the original version which can be found here: The Pills That Steal Sex]
insalutenews: Antidepressivi ed effetti collaterali. La testimonianza di Leonardo (in Italian)
Narratively: I Started Taking Zoloft Five Years Ago. I Haven’t Felt Sexual Sensation Since
Broadly: The Post-SSRI Orgasmic High
Progress in Mind: Some drugs, not much rock and roll
SexSmartFilms: Libido Lost
La Stampa: Gli antidepressivi possono causare disfunzioni sessuali in donne e uomini. Il parere del sessuologo (in Italian)
Men’s Health: The Pill That Kills Your Sex Drive
Volkskrant: Blijvende seksuele stoornis door antidepressivum (in Dutch)
xoJane: I Went off Antidepressants, But My Sex Drive Never Came Back
The McGill Daily: Killing your sex life?
Streetvibes: Despair Takes a Young Man’s Life
Gesundheitstipp: Erst Depression, dann tote Hose (in German)
The Boston Globe: Antidepressants may damage more sex lives
The New York Times: Expecting Too Much From a Mind Drug [We have been informed that Dr Bahrick’s letter originally included reference to PSSD, but this was edited out of the published version.]
Persistent genital arousal disorder
The following articles describe persistent genital arousal disorder (PGAD) after stopping antidepressants.
Women’s Healthcare: Persistent genital arousal disorder: The uninvited guest (Part 2) (2017)
Women’s Healthcare: Two additional PGAD accounts (2017)
The Guardian: Women with persistent genital arousal disorder: ‘People hear orgasm and they think it’s a good thing’ (2014)
Post-retinoid sexual dysfunction
Post-retinoid sexual dysfunction (PRSD) refers to persistent sexual problems after stopping isotretinoin, a retinoid used in the treatment of acne.
Channel 4 News: Acne drug ‘linked to at least 14 deaths’ this year (2019)
BBC: NHS ‘should not prescribe acne drug’ (2019)
Mail Online: The acne drug that can steal young men’s virility (2018)
Cosmopolitan: “Miracle” pill thousands of women are prescribed for acne is having devastating effects on their sex lives… (2015)
Mail Online: Doctor ‘killed by’ patient who believed acne drug had made him impotent (2007)
Post-finasteride syndrome
The PFS Foundation has a list of articles on its PFS Media Awareness page.