Editorial Note: We want any accounts of adverse or interesting events on drugs or new uses for drugs from people on them – or doctors, pharmacists or others trying to manage the effects of drugs. We would be very interested in accounts of what happens when people take RxISK reports to doctors.
I thought that my story was a Seroxat story. I thought that I had been duped, once, into taking a drug I probably didn’t need for an illness I probably didn’t have, a drug that damaged my health. I thought I was intelligent and assertive enough that it couldn’t possibly happen to me a second time. But it probably has. Now my story is about alendronic acid and the slow but sure decline of my health and fitness.
My Seroxat story is classic and a repeat of so many other people’s. After trying a variety of non-drug treatments, I went to the doctor in December 1996 with intermittent insomnia and PMS, and asked for some sleeping tablets. I left the surgery with a diagnosis of being on the “edge of a clinical depression” and a prescription for Seroxat. Despite the doctor’s assurances that it wasn’t addictive, I became addicted. Withdrawal was so extreme that the longest I ever lasted off the drug was seven weeks, the worst of my life. In 2002 I discovered via the internet that I wasn’t desperately ill with an anxiety disorder that only Seroxat could fix. I was, in fact, part of a community of Seroxat “users” who like me were struggling to understand what had happened to them.
I thought it would be sensible to have my bones scanned… I was shocked
Fast forward to 2008. I had settled on a very low dose of Seroxat, enough to keep withdrawal at bay but not enough to have a therapeutic effect, because I didn’t need one. My older sister, who had recently discovered she had osteoporosis, had a very bad fall, ironically as a result of a violent reaction to a prescription drug, and broke three vertebrae in her back. I thought, as I was 53 and just into the menopause, it would be sensible to have my bones scanned – and was shocked to be told I too have osteoporosis in the spine.
My doctor went through the results with me and told me I needed to take alendronic acid. Whoa, I said, I want to do this with diet and exercise. No way am I taking another drug, and particularly not this one. I had investigated alendronic acid on the internet. I was intrigued as my doctor had said specifically not to! I didn’t like what I saw.
Firstly, the potential gastric problems, secondly osteonecrosis of the jaw, and thirdly the suggestion that the quality of the bone created by the drug is not as good as normal bone. I compared it with strontium ranelate, which was the drug my sister was taking, and the strontium appeared to have better results. It is relevant at this point to say that my sister lives in Australia which has different prescribing criteria. When my doctor told me emphatically that I couldn’t build my bones with diet and exercise alone, I reluctantly said ok, but I want to take strontium. At which point he told me that NICE guidelines indicated that he had to prescribe alendronic acid, and he could only move me to a different drug if it didn’t work. I asked how we would know if it wasn’t working, and his reply was that it would be having an effect on my bones after six months and the next scan results would indicate an increased bone density, or not. So I left the surgery with a prescription for alendronic acid and a promise I would have a scan after two years, not the usual three.
Beware osteoporosis drug
I started taking alendronic acid in January 2009. I also went willingly and happily to the gym twice a week and did weekly pilates. I ran on a treadmill for twenty minutes and I could push my weight in kilos on the leg press. This was on top of my usual activity levels. My idea of a short walk had always been an hour and a half in the woods with my dog – my favourite footwear was my walking boots. I had been doing yoga for twenty years. I was determined that my own actions would build my bones so I only had to take the drug for a short time.
The first indication I had that something was amiss was in September 2009 – I took three anti-sickness pills and had some very strange reactions. Bizarre feelings in my head, my arms feeling like they didn’t belong to me, I felt faint and dizzy, my heart was pounding and had moments when it seemed out of rhythm. This settled after a few days and I thought no more about it.
Then in early November I started to feel strange again. In my diary I have written that I felt lightheaded, as if I wasn’t getting enough oxygen, and that my arms and head were “fizzing”. This led me to think I was in Seroxat withdrawal; so convinced, in fact, I was of this that I asked my doctor to contact GSK to see if they had changed the formulation in some way, as I had made no change to my dose. These strange sensations coursing through my body continued for a couple of weeks, but I carried on into December going to the gym, singing in two choirs, building my new life coaching business and generally preparing for Christmas.
Then one day my body turned to chaos. There was an intense pressure in my head and I felt the muscles in my arms, legs and torso being pulled tighter and tighter as if by elastic – and then I started to jerk. My entire body jerked violently as if I was having an epileptic fit, but I was conscious throughout. It was the most frightening and totally incomprehensible thing to have no control over my limbs at all but as I sit and write this, I realise it has become totally familiar.
Scared and utterly distraught
I was able to see a neurologist fairly quickly, and he concurred with my thoughts that it was probably Seroxat clashing with the anti-sickness tablets (metaclopromide) I had taken in September, and therefore a one-off event. In April 2010 I went back to my gym routine, and within a few weeks the second jerking episode occurred. My body jerked violently and out of control for hours. It was so frightening my partner called for an ambulance and I was taken to the local hospital, where they hid me in a side room to let me sit and jerk in private. As soon as I told the duty doctor it was a possible drug clash, I sensed he immediately lost interest. By this time my body was still, so I went home feeling scared and utterly distraught.
Back to see the same neurologist whose diagnosis this time was that my muscles were very tight so I must be stressed, and if I wasn’t already taking it, he would prescribe Seroxat! This was after I had in some detail again described to him how prior to a jerking episode, my muscles pulled tighter and tighter before a violent release ….. he metaphorically patted me on the head and told me to go and have a massage.
It was becoming clear to me at this point that activity brought on my symptoms, and at that time it was extreme activity – a session at the gym, a long bike ride, a strenuous walk. From then on the amount of activity needed to bring on the symptoms became less and less, to where I am now. Now, the only “exercise” I get is pottering around my house or gently along my local high street. Anything more and pressure builds in my head, I feel lightheaded, my ears ring and my muscles jerk happily away by themselves.
Eventually I asked to see a movement disorder specialist, as by this time I was convinced I must have some dreadful neurological problem. He arranged for me to have an MRI and EEG tests, but his opinion was that Seroxat was the likely culprit as he had never seen anything like this before. My partner had videoed two of my jerking episodes for him to see and he asked if he could have copies to show colleagues for their opinions. I suggested, because of the Seroxat link, that I might be sent to a Seroxat specialist. To my surprise he agreed.
When I got to see the next doctor in September 2012, I thought I was still telling a Seroxat story. In fact we were three quarters of the way through our time together before I happened to mention I took alendronic acid. Until this doctor expressed his surprise that I was taking it, and his opinion that it was possibly the cause of my problems, no –one had ever raised any questions about it. I had had a two year bone scan and been told that my bone density had increased, so as far as I was concerned, the drug was “working” and all was well in that particular area. And of course I couldn’t exercise, so taking the drug seemed suddenly very important.
Weakened muscles, aching joints, unable to work
I stopped taking alendronic acid straight away and now wake every morning in the hope that there might be some improvement in my condition. It has further become clear that my symptoms were not and are not brought on by activity per se, but by an increase and deepening in my breathing, as if the extra air I take in is poisoning me in some way. Small movements and small gentle breaths allow me to feel ok and for my muscles to be still. Singing, to my deep distress, is now out of the question, along with all the other active things I loved to do. My life coaching business came to nothing – I am unable to work. Instead of the exercising I need and want to be doing, my muscles are weakening, my joints ache, my tendons burn and my bones are probably crumbling away.
Looking back over the past four years of this journey, I realised that whenever I took any other tablets my symptoms worsened dramatically. Even a couple of paracetamol would make me ill. And of course I was already taking Seroxat, albeit a very small amount. This prompted me to do more research into alendronic acid, but instead of looking up this generic term, I tried the brand name Fosamax. When I researched Fosamax/drug intolerance I found it is a reported side effect that people (usually women aged 50 – 70, of course) became intolerant of other drugs whilst having taken Fosamax for 2 – 5 years.
Who else out there has a similar story? And how are we going to return to good health?
For more about osteoporosis and medication, see Fragile Doctors: Iatroporosis.
Bobbi Marin says
I was told I had osteoporosis in 2004 and was put on Fosamax for about 6 months after which I was switched to Actonel. This was before I started checking and researching EVERY drug I was told I needed. When i DID start researching, after being on these meds for about a year I decided the risk just wasn’t worth the POSSIBLE gain and stopped taking it. Fast forward to 2009. My lower teeth started getting loose and getting cavities to the point where , in 2011 I had to have the last remaining 6 lower teeth pulled and dentures made. The dentist told me there was no possible way the drugs had anything to do with my teeth getting loose, and it was probably just poor dental hygiene, in spite of the fact that I was 56 when these problems STARTED and 63 when I had to give up and pull the last ones. The wierd thing is that none of my upper teeth seem to have been affected by it. So I still have not gotten ANY doctor to tell me that the osteo drugs were what CAUSED this but I don’t see any other possible cause.
Ann says
” Fosamax is linked to osteonecrosis, or bone death, of the jaw. It begins as minor dental problems and can escalate to permanent jaw damage.
It starts after some seemingly minor jaw trauma, but jaw osteonecrosis can quickly decimate a jawbone. Federal drug regulators and researchers say that Fosamax, a drug that’s supposed to help with bone growth, is linked to this rare dental disease that’s also called Dead Jaw Syndrome. …
Even before Fosamax was introduced in 1995 as a superior osteoporosis treatment, jaw osteonecrosis has been linked to the bisphosphonate drug family. “
Denise hamlett says
I started taking foxomax at the age of 38 and took it weekly for many years during this time the foxomax I was taking became alendronic acid I had no idea the dental problems it could cause till I need a tooth out I I had to come of alendronic acid and wait a period of time before having my tooth out but to my shock before I went back on alendronic acid it was suggested I have a dexa scan I didn,t think there would be any thing a miss how mistaken I was although I had been on the alendronic acid for years it hadn,t worked for me and my bones where thinner than they should be I now have ostiopenia and take ad cal
Harriet M Fink says
I am dealing with broken teeth and mouth issues due to foxamax. I should have been warned of this side affect. Now it’s probable to be loosing my teeth and I live on social security and am very afraid that my dental health has been irrevocably damaged by this drug. The food and drug agency should be aware of this severe health risk and compensation for reconstruction of dental work and monies for pain and suffering should be compensated. This is a vile drug dangerous and should be pulled from market to protect any future victims
Shelah Eaton says
Hi. my Dr. told me she did not want me to take the Alendronic Acid because it would loosen my teeth. She sent me to a specialist for a second opinion and he said take it. Now I am not sure what to do.
Sara Russell says
Shelah, there are thing you can take which are natural and have a small amount of female hormone, which can help your bones, and don’t have severe side effects such as tooth loss. Royal jelly capsules can be a bit expensive but they can help a lot. They also help with your skin and hair. Alendronic Acid can cause hair loss as well as dental problems, and even, rarely, blurry vision. I was recently told to take this drug, following a dexa scan, I even collected it from my pharmacy, but after reading online about the side-effects I decided to take it back to the pharmacy for safe disposal. You could try royal jelly, plus soy sauce also has natural hormones which can help with bones, skin and hair. Soya products are no good if you have a nut allergy. But oily fish such as sardines are great for lunch or teatime, on toast with olives & a squeeze of lemon, calcium supplements also work well, and Royal Jelly is amazing stuff. Shop around online for the best health food shop prices. Cutting back on alcohol and strong coffee also helps. I wish you all the best with your bone health.
Jan Saunders says
Hi, my story is very similar but I only found out today that Alendronic Acid has caused my dental problems.
I have been taking this drug since 2006 only to be told today at a meds review that it should only be used for a limited time.
2019 I went to the Dentist with a broken tooth, she told me after an Xray that she could only pull the tooth out as my jaw was crumbling and she could only offer me dentures from now on. I have always looked after my teeth, having paid for a very expensive ‘bridge’ in 2010 to fill a gap. Dentist now tells me my teeth are not strong enough to hold a bridge again.
GP is arranging for a bone scan . . where do I go from here, the last thing I want is dentures !!
jane fothergill says
I am 81 years of age. Started on Fosamax l6 years ago. Now on Alendronic 70 weekly. I am also diabetic 2 (no drugs – diet only) coeliac (wheat and gluten free. Due to cutbacks now prescribed unnamed Alendronic and feel absolutely ghastly. Small blisters on various areas of my body. Sight has deteriorated (but attend Moorfields for regular check ups. muscles ache, no energy, depression. jerky muscles. Shingles 6 months ago and Dr. says this is result of shingles. My body awareness tells me otherwise. l feel I am not listened to andn being my age, I’m past bothering about.
I was not aware until yesterday that Alendronic could be the cause. I have now vowed NOT to take another tablet, after all at my age, I feel I have nothing to lose! I just want to feel better.
Grateful for your comments.
Best wishes
Jane Fothergill
AMartin says
Hello Jane,
What an awful time you are having my sympathy goes out to you. I am not in your age group Jane bit I can appreciate Yor feeling left out. What are we paying the doctors for? Are we not sentient beings…they are not the be all and end all.
I take Alendronic tablets as I had breast cancer and take the tablets for continuing bone health. I appear to be ding well on them so I am told along with calcium and Vit D supplements. I also have had a bone scan pre drugs so it would be interesting to find out when I can have another scan to see whether there is an improvement or at least no further loss apart from normal degeneration of bone.
Where do you live Jane hope you don’t mind me asking.
Jan says
Hello Jane,
Thank you for your comment.
I’ve been told to take Allendronicacid.
I’m wondering how you feel now, a year after stopping the drug, have your symptoms improved?
Thank you.
E Reed says
check – your brand of alendronic acid may contain gluten
Felicity says
Dear Jane
I’m so sorry to hear your situation and how difficult things are for you. I’m just another person looking for help with my bones, having been told by my doctor that there is no alternative to Alendronic Acid. I wanted to mention to you that I’ve just watched a video by Dr Jorge Flechas, called Reverse Osteoporosis with Boron. I wonder if it might be something that could help you – I’ve attached the link to the video below. He says he cured his wife’s osteoporosis with the supplementation of boron and he describes the dosage he used in the video.
Also, have you researched iodine? I’ve just discovered that lack of it can be at the root of fatigue, depression, low body temperature, and many other issues. Dr David Brownstein has written, and talked on YouTube on this subject.
I do wish you the very best
Angela T says
Thank you for the information video about boron. Amazing.
After months of debate and research I was persuaded by friends to take Alendronic acid tablets. In 2022 I sustained 2 fractures and compressions on my spine. DEXA scan showed osteopenia.
I took only 1 Alendronic acid tablet yesterday and during the night my whole upper body is stiff and very painful. It’s like I’ve gone back a year! This morning I can hardly move without help.
Hence this research. I should have listened to my intuition.
I will now research where to get boron. Does anybody have information on the best source? I’m in the UK.
Much appreciation, Angela aged 70
Rita says
I have been on steroids for two years have polymialgia.My legs are better but have bad arms and my chest hurts ,also throat problems and mucous have been told it could be Alendroniv acid doing it.?
Angi says
Sorry to hear that. I took one alendronic tablet and over the next few days thought my PMR was returning and that tapering steroids down to 12.5 mg was the problem. The following week I took the second dose and woke in the middle of the night with great pain in virtually every bone in my body, except from the knees down, even where PMR had never hit before, eg elbows, forearms, thumbs, rim of skull at the back. My top 6 vetebrea were extremely painful and I could barely lift my head up,,and could walk only in a shuffle. Tremors and could barely hold a cup of tea. Three weeks have now passed, and I still have a lot of pain on many but not all days, and on bad days a nap can help. It’s so disappointing as when i started on prednisolone 8 weeks ago for PMR I had immediate relief and a return of energy. 5 weeks of relief ending in the disaster of alendronic acid. The worst pains now are in my spine, most of the way down, which feels bruised, and hi0s, but I have a lot of fatigue. I didn’t need day naps even with PMR. So far the doctor has offered no answers or remedies, only that I need something else for the osteoporosis I might possibly get at some time in the future through taking prednisolone. Does anyone have any idea what might help?
Kerry hudson says
Ive just been perscribed alendronic acid 70mg to take one a week..could you tell me if this is seroxat
Jerome Savage says
I take 70mg PW now for about 12 mths.
Nothing too spectacular to report. But the following is extract is certainly familiar;
“Bizarre feelings in my head” “my heart was pounding and had moments when it seemed out of rhythm. This settled after a few days”
‘re the first – strange vivid dreams has been my nearest experience.
The second is absolutely & completely familiar. I took the tab yesterday &.the strange & heavy uneven rhythm actually woke me up last night.
caroleparkes says
I’ve been on Alendronic Acid for about ten years, possibly longer. When I initially had a bone scan they said I’d have another one after three years, I’ve never had another one. Whenever I’ve mentioned it to my GP, it’s sort of brushed away. I’m considering ringing the hospital myself to see if I can have one done. The side effect possibilities worry me. Is it possible to just stop taking the tablets?
S.horobin says
Have been taking alendronic for 14 months now because I had a fall just over 15months ago and broke both knee caps, have been taking them once a week,but I find they make me dizzy so was thinking of stooping them,is this advisable?
clive browne says
Hello Carol,just been asked to go and see my gp for a talk about having a break from taking alendronic acid.Going next week after taking them for more than ten years.I do remember having a bone scan after three years and the results showed some improvements in my bone density.
Kath O'D says
Hi, I’ve just been reading through some of the comments as I too have concerns over Alendronic acid tablets. I have taken them for 5+ years and after some research now I discover that the scans can give false readings, i.e. they mask the crumbling bones within and only show the outer bone growth, I have decided I really don’t want to take these any more but wonder if there are side effects.
Vibha says
Hi You should be able to have a dexa scan every 5 years. I have an annual blood test at hospital for gluten. I was tested for gluten intolerance and was told I was gluten intolerant in 2011. 2 years after that I had a dexa test. That is, when the hospital said I had osteoporosis. This was a total surprise to me. I was running 2 or 3 times, each week, circuit, bodypump, combat, body pump etc, about 14 hours of workout every week. From 2013 I was prescribed alendronic acid. I got a book on osteoporosis from the library and it explained against taking alendronic acid and any other medication that contain biphosphates. When I showed this to my GP, he said that is not correct and the book was wrong. Since taking alendronic, I have had difficulty in running and doing all the workout I was doing. I also broke my hip, which made it even more difficult to do anything at all. I have gone downhill and increased weight. I had another dexa test in 2018. I had to ask the doctor at hospital when I went for gluten test and results. She refused, but she agreed. The test showed that I now have osteopenia, but could never get off alendronic as it is due to gluten. I have done my research an hoping to give up on alendronic and follow the advice in the books. Exercise and healthy food and some good supplements.
Ani Rey says
Can you give me the name of this book, I too am struggling with whether to go down the road of alendronic acid. Already taking Adcal D3 and steroids. Not feel normal anymore, weak dizzy loosing balance and sight too which could also be caused by oprazole to protect stomach. Want to take back controle before I find myself surrendering myself to more drugs. Many thanks
Moira Inness says
Diagnosed with myasthenia gravis in January and prescribed boat load of tablets. Taking Prednisone now reduced to 15mg per day and apparently it has accelerated progress of cataracts! Tablets – the gift that keeps giving😡
Zuki says
I have just had a DXA scan (following a wrist fracture) and it came back I have really bad osteoporosis. I am 62. The doctor put me on ADCAL D3 and alendronic. I have just taken my first one and reading this forum is really interesting. I think it’s great that we can come in here and discuss how we are feeling. I will come back in a few weeks and let you guys know if I have any strange side effects. The doctors do say though that we should let them know if we have any. I am otherwise healthy and have never taken any meds in my life. Carole, you say you were meant to have another scan in 3 years, that is disgraceful that you have not had this. I would demand one straight away. I have been told I will have one in 2 years. I will make sure I get it
Pam says
Hi just wondering how your getting on with the alendrolic acid?
Sandra Jones says
Warning to anyone who might be taking Alendronic acid 70 ml tablets for osteoporosis !
They are ok and work fine for first few years ! But it’s come to my attention that long term ,
they can have the opposite effect !
This has come to light since I collapsed in the shower , after complaining of thigh bone pain for over 2 years ! This caused the bone to shatter like glass !
If you are taking this tablet once a week . My opinion is , go and see your GP for advise !
I am posting this to try and help other , from being in the same situation that I have been in for last 5 months .
Linda says
Reading these reports,i am now worried.am 63 & After taking AA 70mg per wkfor 2months,& all the awful side effects mentioned here,consultant wants to try zoledronate yearly infusion. Think I’m off to GP to hear her thoughts!!! Glad I’m not alone with these problems,thought i was going mad
Julie Newsome says
hi I had zolondronic infusion no problem ,tablets i cant tolerate so I have hit and missed with them ,I told my consultant and the nurses at the hospital but went unanswered said they would sort it ,five weeks a go I fractured my spine so now I’m waiting to see what they going to do I’ve been honest with them said i skipped a lot cos I felt sick all the time ,I’ve opted for infusion,told them that I did tell them ,but now because I’ve fractured my spine I’m worried that my bone is bad ,bone density scan and hopefully they will sort infusion out for me .I don’t like the tablets,I take vitamin d and c .I’m trying to help myself just hope it’s not too late .wouldnt mind I fell off a ladder about two years ago straight onto my back legs and head fell backwards flat and not a broken bone and I had had a density scan just before the fall
julia galloway says
I have an appointment at The Royal Dental Practice, Cromwell Road, Dorchster to have two back teeth removed. I am 73, have Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis and I was prescribed Aldronic Acid 1 a week since breaking my femur in 2015.
I am disappointed in my GP who recommended a NHS Dentist in Melcome Avenue, Wemouth. The NHS Dentist has ben very negative and created time consuming visits which are difficult for me to arrange because I have decreasing mobility because of MS. No one – my GP or the dentist recommended by my GP have given me no warning about the serious side effects of having dental extractions while taking Aldronic Acid.
My appointment is on the 23rd August 1017 and I am now very concerned. I have even had to report my concern and disappointment and lack of care by both my GP and Dentist.
Sue Testar says
Gave up Alendronic Acid recently after a random chat with a friend! I was prescribed in 2003 following a crack in my Femur following a knee replacement and the resulting Dexa scan! The GP has been renewing this prescription although I now read a patient only needs to take for 2 yrs max! Angry moment!
Yes my muscles ache and my arthritis in joints have worsened – constant tummy upsets I put down to too much gluten! I was such an idiot for believing in this drug! I am 62 and expected some challenges at my age but this has been a shock! I read it’s the same Acid in cleaning products!
Delighted to report Tum is behaving much better since giving up just hoping the other side effects ( Jaw and Teeth) don’t show up unexpected!
Armed with more natural solutions which I have been taking anyway but paying more attention now.
Ann says
Hi i have been given AA but couldn’t take it due to stomach problems now they are thinking of sending me for infusion could i ask what natural solutions u are using as i was told I couldn’t replace bone without AA am very worried about an infusion
Claire Robinson says
Hi. I’m 54 years old and after having a Dexa scan, was told that I have Osteoporosis. I’ve been prescribed Adcal-D3 tablets (2x twice daily) and Alendronic Acid 1x weekly, even though a blood test showed that my calcium and vitamin D levels were within the normal range. Unfortunately, I’m pretty intolerant to most drugs, other than HRT, which I took for 5 years without any side effects and made me feel fantastic……until my GP refused to prescribe them once I reached 50. I had to stop immediately and was plunged in to full blown menopause, which has been hell ever since. Because of how I tend to react and my blood test results, I thought I would research the new meds first and I’m now very pleased that I did. I’ve not taken many of the Adcal, and haven’t yet taken any Alendronic Acid, and to be honest I’m now thinking about not talking it at all, as the possible side effects are really worrying me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Marie says
Hello Claire, I am 60 years old and very modern and active with and without my grandchildren. I had a complete hysterectomy 24 years ago but could not tolerate HRT therefore was susceptible to osteoporosis but I had slipped through the net according to my doctor and only got a dexa scan in August 2017. I tried the Alendronic acid one a week tablet last night and was so unwell that I nearly called an ambulance, my symptoms were very cold ie chattering teeth, pains all over body, sore head,jerking arms and very unsteady on feet, and nausea. I also are very intolerant to any meds but my doctor had at last convinced me to trythis and suffice to say I will not be taking any more. I am going down the route of continuing my swimming with a healthy diet some weight bearing Zumba step exercises. No tablet is worth taking if no quality of life.
Jacqueline Jones says
Hi I have been on alendronic acid for 7 months I was worried about side effects but have been ok but have noticed a weakness in muscles and am really stiff in mornings and if I sit down even for a short while. I don’t know if this is due to alendronic acid or the letrozole I am taking for breast cancer. They did prescribe adcal calcium/vit d and felt so ill which I thought was these drugs causing it but it wasn’t it is intolerance to calcium which I was told when I had my bone scan is quite common. So if u are on adcal or calcium as well check out it isn’t that causing any side effects. I am interested about the post that said you should only really take for 2 years does anyone else have info on this
Bridget says
I Have been taking Alendronic Acid Tablets for 11 months now. I have also been taking Adcal tablets for years. This year the odd finger started my hands have started shaking when I am on my keyboard but for the past 3 months both hands shake. I am worried about it as it seems to be getting worse. Blood test in November showed a underactive thyriod and am taking Levothyronine 25mg. MY blood pressure became high and I was sent for a ECG on the 29th of November which showed I have at somepoint had a mild heart attack which I was unawear of and have now in December been put on Ramipril 2.7mg and Simvastatin 40mg. I have been on Sertraline 70mg for a few years and as I have asthma my inhaler has been changed to Beclmetasome 100/6. the shaking could be from one of the new meds, but it started slightly in the summer.
Sabrina Armitage says
You uesly get shake from over active thyroid, I know because that what I have, I have been put on alendronic, I haven’t taken them yet, it’s very frigthening, not sure what to do, I’m 63 and have gone to the gym most ofy life, I don’t want to there guinea pig,😏
Ann Madden says
My mother is 83 and has been on this drug for over twenty years with only one bone scan. She was told her bones were fine but should continue on Alendronic Acid. She had dizzy spells, blackouts, feeling sick etc and doctors said she had Temperol Arteritis. Put on strong doses of steroids. Some years later she was in terrible pain and her doctor wouldn’t believe me when i said that i thought her hips were dying. I had heard of necrosis in the bones before and she had all the symptoms. She was given physio…what a mistake that was….After fighting to get her x rayed, the doctor phoned her and said that I was right and she needed a hip replacement, her hips had crumbled away. She had to wait months and eventually had the hip replacement. Surgeon said her bones in the hip and pelvis crumbled away like chalk and he’d never seen that as severe before. In the meantime her teeth fell out…literally fell out…what on earth was happening. She decided to come off the Alendronic Acid…She really has gone downhill. For a once health, fit woman she’s a frail person now who can’t walk and has bladder/stomach problems.
Read on a page recently that the manufacturers of this drug have been sued in Canada by 1200 odd people and won £27.5 million…so why hasn’t this been reviewed here….
Maria says
Hi there.
I hàd à bone density DXA scan scan in 2010 and was told i had
Ostopenia and had a high risk of a fracture.
I was put on alendronic acid 70mg and in 2013
I had another Dxa scan. I was told i had Oesteoporosis of the spine with high risk of a fracture.
I have had several extrane simpthoms after taking alendronic and had to give it up due to a dental treatment.
Again i had another Dexa scan 2 years ago and it was found i have oesteoporosis in the spine which i feel very worried about it.
Lately i have been feeling tooth pain and have told by the dentist they cannot see me without a letter from my GP if i am taking alendronic acid. I have stop taking the drug and will see my GP this week to see what he recomends but after reading so many stories after taking this drug i am reluctant to conti ue taking it specially as i am taking other medications for high blood pressure, tyroid, high pressure of the eyes, high colesterol.etc.
I would like to take an alternative to alendronic acid wuth some exercises for the spine.
I have been told to take kale with spinach and brocoli which is full of calcio blended with almond milk before breakfast and before going to bed.
I am aldo taking Calcio with vitamin-D
And dairy products reach in calcio.
Joan Budd says
Hi,all these comments are really helping me to decide not to take anymore Alendronic Acid,I had my Dexa scan September 2017 and was diognosed with Osteoporosis and prescribed AA and Cal D3. AA scares me to death as 4 months after taking it I seem to have a continues dry sort throat ( weirded really) so I feel I don’t want to take it anymore at my age anyway 75. I don’t think there is enough information from doctors/nurses to explain about Osteoporosis to patients.
Charlotte says
Make sure the spinach is cooked to get rid of the oxylates which inhibit calcium absorbtion; so cook your spinach.
Lynne Durham says
Hi Anne I quite agree I’ve lost my top teeth had to have dentures because the bone had gone due to Alendronic Acid. I’ve been using it since 2018 once a week. I had a fall and was n awful pain for 3 months and after x Ray showed I had a fracture in the Fibula. I’m 72 and this has changed my life completely. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis that was the reason for me being on it. I also take steroids. My shoulders both creak and groan and I can’t raise them. Why shouldn’t this company give compensation for what they’ve done. We have the proof what more do they need. Let’s fight them.
Alison Valentine says
Hi everyone I thought my diziness and muscle ache and a light pain in my abdomen when i took Alendronic Acid was just me, now reading all the comments I can see it is a common theme. I felt pressurised to take it saying that I would suffer as I get older if I didnt take it but I am now wondering if it really does any good. I do have quite a high reading of osteoporosos but I feel I need to know what it really does to the body. I am taking much more care of myself with exercise an I am totally sugar gluten dairy and alcohol free. I know they say dairy is a good source of calcium but we are not cows and cant absorbe or digest soemthing that is meant for young calves. I am diary intolerant. Does anyone know the scientific evidence for Alendronic acid and what it does to the body that makes so many people feel achy and dizzy?
Barbara Graham says
I’m 61 and after a long history of fractures (mostly sports related) and a recent wrist fracture from a fall, I had a DXA scan and have Oseopenia. I was prescribed AA 70mg – one per week and took the first dose on Saturday which gave me such severe joint and muscle pain all over my body within 24-36 hours that I was barely able to walk or stand. I also had pain/soreness behind the eyes and a niggling headache for 48 hours. I went back to my GP to inform him that I couldn’t take them and he readily gave me another prescription for Risedronate 35mg – one a week which I am now frightened to take because the possible side effects listed are exactly the same as the AA. I have had 7 weeks off work with a fractured wrist and another week off with feeling poorly due to AA (with no pay as I’m a self employed carer) and need to feel fully fit before returning to work. Does anyone know if there’s a link between the 2 drugs or if there’s a suitable alternative? Also does anyone know what element of AA gives you the aches and pains so that I know if it will be safer for me to take the Risedronate please?
Rosemary says
Hi I’ve had AA and it made me feel terrible! I’ve now been put on Risedronate and after just 24 hrs I ache all over and keep getting sharp pains everywhere , seriously thinking of stopping this as side effects are awful
Jan says
Hello Barbara
Just had to reply to your post! I am 79 and took my first Allendronic tablet last Weds. The next day I felt very ill. I could hardly walk with pain all over my body, felt sick, couldn’t eat. This pain was far worse than the pain I experience withOsteoporosis! I will not be taking another one! My GP suggested that I take another brand but I cannot risk it. I still do not feel right and have added pain, although a bit better than it was.
Margaret says
I only took one ,70mg alendronic acid tab. Woke up with tight chest horrendous muscle cramps, couldn’t walk, stooped couldn’t stand straight felt like a vice round me, excrutiating bone pain in spine and ribs could not lie down for the pain so slept upright on sofa for almost three months when lost 2 inches in height due to the pressure on .my spine. Also had bad constipation and diarrhoea. This tab has changed my life. I can’t do the things ,I used to. Even standing cooking is painful as my back aches so much and it is one year since that fatal tablet. Very angry..
Christina says
I have osteopenia aged 58 and my sister has osteoporosis aged 65, she was prescribed Alendronic Acid with similar side effects. Researching I came across Dr Rex Newnham, his story is very interesting, look him up he has written several books re osteoporosis/arthritis, treating them naturally with borax/boron. I urge you to Look into his work for yourselves. Sister told the doc she was not taking AA any more, he told her she should take it !. These drugs are pushed to the top of the prescribing line by big pharma. Sister told the doc she intends taking Boron.
Mandy says
I started reading this because after being diagnosed with breast cancer part of my ongoing treatment is Letrozole plus Alendronic Acid. The strange thing is that as soon as I read:
The first indication I had that something was amiss was in September 2009 – I took three anti-sickness pills and had some very strange reactions. Bizarre feelings in my head, my arms feeling like they didn’t belong to me, I felt faint and dizzy, my heart was pounding and had moments when it seemed out of rhythm. This settled after a few days and I thought no more about it.
That is exactly the reaction I had years ago to … Metoclopramide – the anti sickness drug. This was long ago and it was a new drug but the GMC told my GP that yes there was a slight risk of an allergic reaction to it. There is a Group related to these awful side effects on Facebook called “Reglan Support Group (Primperan/Metoclopramide” Read the devastating effects this drug has had on people taking it. I’m sure they will sound familiar.
I’ve only just started on the AA but since my run in with Metoclopramide I’m scared to take any drugs now.
Patricia says
I was prescribed Alendronic acid because I had been diagnosed with osteopenia back in 2004. Lately, i have been feeling quite unwell, and after having had all sorts of health checks I have now come to the conclusion that my strange symptoms might be due to Alendronic acid. With the agreement of my GP I have now stopped taking the tablets. I have now been off Alendronic acid for two weeks or so, and at the moment i’m not noticing very much improvement. I was wondering if the side effects of the drug actually go away, and if they do, how soon can I expect to see some sort of improvement?
carol says
Hi, I am 47 years old and recently found out I have osteopenia every where and osteoprosis in on of my hips. I just started my first pill of fosamax 70 yesterday. I woke up, called my doctor to make sure it was safe to take with a few broken ribs, and I was told yes. So, I took it with 12 ounces of water. Two hours later, I finally could eat, and drink. About 3 hours later, I started to feel weird, sort of dizzy. I carried on with my normal activities. My memory was a little fuzzy. Like just for a moment I couldn’t remember where I kept my masking tape. As I was searching through my kitchen drawers, it came to me. That I wasn’t living in my old house… I went to bed around 10pm. I slept restless, my shoulders began to hurt. The my neck was hurting. As I sat up from the bed my head started to pound. My ears was hurting. So was my face. If I took slow shallow breaths the pain was bearable. I drank 2 cups of coffee. I was thinking maybe I was dehydrated, so I drank a few bottles of purified water. I also ate one energice bar. Energice is a vitamin infused Premium Isotonic ice bar scientifically formulated with Electrolytes, B Vitamins (B3, B5, B6, B12) and Potassium. I called my doctor and spoke with the nurse. I was told that it was very uncommon what happened to me, and it was my choice to take it again next week or not. She told me that all of these drugs, which is just a few, would cause me to have the same side effects. I asked her how long wil it take for the fosamax to leave my body, and when will this pain stop. She said for the to call in on monday if there is no improvement. Today is Wednesday! I took it on Tuesday. Anyhow, if anyone knows what whip lash feels like, this is worse. This full head pain is extremely bad. It hurts to walk on my feet. The bottom of my feet hurt. If I apply pressure to the back of my neck, my neck pain still hurts really bad, but I can move my neck. If I apply pressure on my face in front of my ear, the ear pain lessens. If I apply pressure to my temples, my headache lessens. This is a dangerous drug. Am I the only one the suffer from these bad side effects after taking it for the first time. There is nothing I can do to stop the shoulder pain, and lower jaw pain, or the chills I get.
Liz says
Ohh my Goodness thank you so much for your post. You’re description of whip lash injury describes me. But I just couldn’t describe it as you have. I’m going to stop taking Alendronic acid. Severe cranial pain extending from my neck to the base of my skull and temples made worse when I move my head neck. It’s been a nightmare for four weeks weeks. Thank you.
Karen says
I was diagnosed with Preliminary Billiary Cholongistis (PBC) in 2021 and am now informed I have osteopenia (May 2022); informed today that a prescription has been left at my chemist for Alendronic Acid to be taken once a week. I have spent the past 4 hrs reading up on this medication and these reviews! I shall be bringing these reviews to my GPs attention AND a refusal to even take the first dose! Never in my life have I read as many horror stories and am dumbfounded that medication like this is still being prescribed. Its bad enough living with PBC and all that entails for the rest of my life, but to go through what all of you good people have gone through NO WAY DANNO! I think I will investigate more about Boron like the reviewer above. Its 2.35am here in Kent & I am terrified about what 2moro will bring if I am forced to use AA. I better print your reviews kind people & put them before my GP & the Liver Consultant who suggested bisphosphonates in the first place!! There has to be a better way. I read somewhere Fosamax was taken off the market & it caused hair loss.
Deana Fisher says
hi i broke my wrist last year and because of this I had a bone scan I was told I had osteoporosos in the Spine and hip im 57 and lead a active life ive on vitamin D daily and AA 70 ml weekly I took my one this morning a number of hours after taking this table I have had very bad stomach cramps and I have not left the bathroom and my head is bad.
reading all of your comments I will not be taking another one of theses tablets . can’t belive my GP gave me these awful tablets .
Caroline says
Been recommended AA by my Dr too. These stories have put me off. Going to research borax and boron.
Mary says
Went to dentist four days ago with toothache my dentist x-rayed my tooth and discovered I have a lot of loss of bone in my jaw can’t remember the name for it but it was caused by my treatment for osteoporosis she said she can’t take the tooth out as she could cause more damage she said she has to consult with another surgeon first I am in total agony with my tooth and jaw I don’t know how much longer I can go on I won’t hear anything to Monday so I have all day tomorrow and tomorrow night to suffer I don’t know how much longer I can go on help
Ron says
I’ve just started taking Alendronic acid 75mg and for the last 4 days I’ve been having really bad indigestion Heartburn and tightness of my chest
I’ve only taken one tablet going to speak to Dr tomorrow. Ive been reading all the posts on this forum THINK I might stop altogether does anyone else get these symptoms
Sheena murkin says
I was given alendronic acid tablets, one a week after had fall off my bike swerving to miss a coke can someone dropped and fractured my pelvis. I took them for two Sundays and my legs became painful,Dr said to continue and go back in 2weeks so I took one yesterday and today I feel breathless and giddy. Hopefully it will have gone by tomorrow and I am not taking anymore,will only take the prescribed vitamin D and calcium daily tablet.
Judith Nichols says
I stopped taking these tablets after 3 weeks due to pain in my legs and still have it sfter 3 weeks and hoping it will come out of my body soon. The hospital talking about infusions once a year but still waiting for a appointment. judy
Ana says
I was diagnosed with osteoporosis two weeks ago, so I just took one Sunday. the pain in my muscles and bones is unbearable, chills, last I had night sweat, my stomach was bloated, acid reflex and the headache along with my jaw ache won’t go away. After reading the comments I will not be taking it again.
fay sicinski says
Hi Judith
My mom who is 76 has taken 7 tablets, she stopped due to pain in her hips legs and groin. She is having pain in her legs, hips and groin. She was put on Alendronic acid as she had a fall broke her wrist and has had breast cancer. She doesn’t have osteoporosis. Did your painn go away after it left your system. She is very upset as to how this medication has impacted her.
Ann says
Yes and i stopped taking them my stomach was so bad i could only chest breathe
Ellis says
I can’t believe the drug companies perscribe this medicine knowing what t doesTo patients,me included I have had the same side effects .
I will never take drugs like yours again.
Abigail Tunney says
I’ve read your article and the comments with deep interest and concern.
I’m 62, and fit until I came tumbling of my bicycle 2years ago and damaged my lumbar spine and muscles. I’ve been prescribed alendronic acid now as although doing very well year later, my new doctor is concerned about my bone and muscle condition.
After reading the patient information leaflet I was hesitant to take medication today. Which has brought me here as I googled info on this medication. A big thank you to all. I won’t be taking it as I feel I may be able to find a natural alternative. One thing concerns me! If it is common for headaches, dizzy spells and blackout reports…shouldn’t this concern those that live alone, for both GP and patient?
Rosie Tailor says
This is me! I read the leaflet and decided to google. I’m 62.
I really think the doctors for whatever reason are unable to tell people to eat right and exercise – i.e. take personal responsibility for themselves.
I hope you are ok.
I have been put on prednisone and even though my bones are ok I have been prescribed AA as prednisone destroys bones.
Loree Lilygreen says
Same here. I am on prednisolone for polymyalgia. Been given Alendronic acid 10mg tablet which I have to take daily. I have been taking them for about 5 weeks. It has given me bad acid reflux. I am not hoi going to take anymore Alendronic acid tablets.
Susan Conroy says
Hey I’ve been diagnosed with polymialgia rheumatica too i was prescribed predisolone vit d evacol and now AA I’m not having any side effects from it yet but reading all of these comments I’m worrying about wether I should take the alendronic acid I’ve only taken two up to now but have had no problem with it yet It scares you a bit
Carole clack says
Hi I have just been precribed alendronic acid I have not taken it yet as I have had a bad cold. I quit often find that some of the drug’s my doctor has given me gives me bad reactions. so I was looking up side affects of AA which brought me to this site and I don’t like what I am reading, so I am going to ring my doctors and have a talk my gut feeling is not to take them. thanks for this site
Jan Martin says
HI all I fractured my wrist in October had a dxa scan and was told I had osteoporosis. I was put on alendronic acid weekly and vitamin d and calcium twice a day . My body has been achy since starting them but after taking the A A on Sunday l have been in agony the aches in my joints and my hips have been unbearable and the numbness in my hands and fingers. I’m not going to take another one and just hope these pains gradually wear off.
Lorraine Head says
My Mum had taken Alendronic for 10yrs after breaking her hip. She used to get upset stomach the day & day after taking them. We spoke to the GP & asked if she could come off of Alendronic ,so she did, but now she is having problems with her arms, like a muscle ache. As the Corona virus is ongoing we cannot go back to the GP yet, but she is convinced all the aches started after coming off of it!! She is 86.
Elaine Panting says
Hello I am 66 and like many of you am hating taking this drug, I had breast cancer 4 years ago,so am still taking Anastrosil as it was Hormone related,which in turn apparantly helped causing bone density loss, so ws then diagnosed with osteopenia
but from the start have not felt well, stabbing pains dental probs,aching joints,My dentist referred me to a specialist to have 3 teeth removed,but i lost it in the chair so scared ! and he said he would refer for being sedated,as he said he AA are wonderful tablets but do cause jaw and teeth probs along with everything else Am seriously thinking of coming off of them but want to see the outcome of coming off them and how safe it is.
Also take two drugs for cholesterol and statins i rattle !!
Deirdre says
Hi Everyone
Like a lot of people I was researching AA70 when I came across this group. I found it all extremely interesting and worrying. I had a fall/fracture side of leg then DEXA scab and told I had osteoporosis, my reading was -2.6 which I believe is just over normal readings. Doctor said it was a preemptive measure as my left hip was compromised! Extra C/D also. I too am very healthy woman 67, play golf dance swim walk, so I was upset to be told I had osteoporosis. So I duly took the AA70, now on third month. And yes side effects are happening, muscles ache, jaw aches, I did have an X-ray on my jaw and it’s fine TG. Now have constant
Itching in my left shoulder/arm, have gained weight and my mood has changed.
I am a naturally upbeat person, but on Wednesdays when I take this drug my body feels so different, I don’t like it. Having read all the above I am going to see my doctor again about this drug. Many thanks for all your information.
Gary John Curd says
Many thanks for all your comments re Alendronic Acid, these have been most helpful in my decision to take this drug. Following a recent hip fracture and subsequent dexa scan, it was shown that I had Osteoporosis mainly in the right hip and spine (my hip fracture was on the left side ! ). As a consequence, my Dr prescribed Alendronic Acid 70mg. I have been reluctant to start this course of medication due to the possible side effects and negative responses from the enquiries I have made regarding the drug.
Gary Curd
Gail says
I just took my 8th dose of alendronate sodium 70 mg. I had a scan 6 months ago and have osteoporosis. I am 62, healthy and active. I also have arthritis in my thumbs. My rheumatologist prescribed AS but I dalayed taking as I had lots of dental work to be done. I began to take as prescribed and do not have any problems until 6 days after my 4 th dose, I was awakened in the night with uncomfortable, aching wrists. In the morning (Wednesday) I was not able to zip my jeans, brush my hair or other daily activities. My wrists were swollen, aching. They began to itch the next day, ( I took my 5th dose of medication) and they were slightly better but I called my doctor and got in To the office Friday. The PA was baffled. A blood test followed and the inflammation was evident in the test, but I did not test positive for RA which I was worried about. I was still a little sore, but improving. She suggested maybe I stop taking the AS but I already had. Since things improved I kept taking the medication. 4 days after my 6th dose, I woke up in the night with right hip pain. I attributed this to having a 12 hour car ride and driving 6 out of 12 hours. It got better in the day, but flared up at night for a few nights, then resolved. Took dose 7, and on and off right hip aches, but now radiating to thigh. Had another car ride, but then it flared up again, sometimes I limped all morning. I called my doctor and will go in tomorrow morning, even though pain resolved. Took dose 8 yesterday, and so far so good. After reading all the reports of strange muscle and joint pain caused by this medication, I’m guessing that is the culprit. Maybe tomorrow I will get better direction from the physician. This is just too weird.
sylvia says
I also read from what seems like reliable sources that oesophageal cancer rates go up by 40% and also causes atrial fibrillation in significant numbers . I only took one pill but think I will stop.
Christine says
HELP! I have recently been prescribed AA and, after researching this drug for its possible side effects and reading your stories, I really do not want to take it! So, what happens now, does my Osteoporosis get progressively worse over time? What an awful position to be in! I wish everybody all the very best and thank you for your feedback.
Cat says
My GP told me to take alendronic acid with the calcium and vit D tabs 5 or so years ago (in my mid 40s), after a DEXA scan showed I had mild osteoporosis already. After reading this negative press about AA, I refused to take it.
Eventually, I Started Pilates and regular walking. I also found a naturally sourced alternative to the calcium, which is much easier to digest, but it’s not as strong. I feel much better and fitter than before. But I Need to get an updated DEXA to see how things have progressed.
Are there any better options to AA which people have found?? Thanks
Bree says
September 2020 Diagnosed with PMR & prescribed Prednisolone + ADCAL3D +Alendronic Acid. No problems with my calcium + vitamin D levels when I started taking medication. Having read & researched online information regarding side effects I accepted that I needed to take the Prednisolone but was not comfortable with ADCAL 3D + Alendronic Acid & especially since my Vitamin D level was so good but was advised to take them taking into account my age of 73years. From day one my tummy was not happy & after 8 weeks I suddenly became severely constipated (Literally overnight !!!) Really concerned as I’ve never ever had bowel problems!!!! Stopped AA & CAL3D immediately!! After 2 weeks of no bowel movement ended up at A&E!!! Given ENEMA which got things moving but still having problems so was referred for COLONOSCOPY!! Had this procedure yesterday 30th Jan 2021 (My Birthday 🍰) Found absolutely nothing 🙏 clean bill of health with my colon🙏 Such a relief 🙏 Guess I will never know for sure if the medication was responsible but I am convinced that it was & will never ever take AA + ADCAL3D again. From day one I didn’t believe that my body needed them but was told that “When your taking steroids the additional meds are also needed” & I was told this by more than one GP!!! Should there be a next time I will follow my own advice as I believe we all know our own bodies to a degree of course & I will follow my gut instinct!!! Also taking into account that I have & still do….Lead a very active & healthy lifestyle!
Barbara says
I was prescribed Alendronic Acid 70 mg by my GP a couple of months go due to fracturing my humorous after I tripped me fell. Since taking it I have a painful jaw,dry mouth and severe constipation, bloated stomach and a general,feeling of being unwell I spoke to my GP a few weeks ago about my painful jaw and he told me this was quite common and to carry on taking it but. if the side effects persist to contact him again Due to Covid you cannot see a GP I asked for a telephone call but was told it would be at least 2 weeks before I could get an appointment I’ve decided not to take my more tablets. I was told by the hospital after my bone scan that my Osteoporosis was not that bad so I’ll see what happens after my next scan I’m 73 years old and don’t want to feel unwell due to the side effects which if you read about them can be very serious
Rowena says
I am 55 years old female and took 1 70mg dose of Alendronic Acid 2 weeks ago after being diagnosed with osteoporosis after a Dexa scan.
I felt so incredibly ill the next day. Burning chest pain, sore throat and pains all over. 2 weeks later I have joint pain in my elbows like broken glass and have pins and needles in my arms and fingers. My face had also experienced this and I have had swollen lips.
Needless to say I will never take another one and I would like to know whether anyone knows how long Alendronic Acid takes to leave the system. On research I found there has been class law suits against the manufacturer of this drug in Canada. Don’t use it. The side effects are horrific.
I am now using a Naturopathic Bone Protocol supplentation for building bones.
Katie says
Hi Rowena. I’ve just read your post on this thread about Alendronic Acid & was hoping you might share your naturopathic bone protocol supplementation with me. I’m very concerned, like you & so many others, about the side effects of AA which I have just started today! Thanks so much & best of luck…Katie (New York)
Helen Mills says
I had a fall downstairs nearly 2 years ago and broke my back, I’ve been on adcal 3 for years do my doctor put me on alendronic acid, since then my health has been awful, I’m 66, it takes me to get out of bed in the morning I can hardly walk at times,my teeth are crumbling asked dentist was it because of the tablets he said no but I’m sure it is,I’ve up get a root extraction on Thursday as my tooth crumbled and left the root of the tooth,he said he is concerned about me being on the alendronic acid and if he cant get the root out I will be sent to hospital,that’s me finished with these tablets they have ruined my life
Pauline H says
I’ve been taking Alendronic Acid and Adcal for just over four years and a couple of times felt that my lower face looked slightly strange, nobody else could really tell and it didn’t happen that often. However for the past couple of months the left lower side of my face has been continuously swollen and my family have finally noticed. I had open heart surgery at the end of December and didn’t take the alendronate for a couple of weeks and coincidentally the swelling went – I thought maybe it was caused by fluid build up due to my heart condition and that’s why it was better. However now it is back with a vengeance! My lower face is completely swollen on the left side. So after a bit of Internet research and finding this site, I will no longer be taking either drug. I’ve not been offered another dexascan in four years but if this swelling goes down my GP can decide what he wants to do about treatment, if any. I’m 59 and have a very physical job which involves a lot of walking, and I was told by a clinician when I first started treatment that it can’t help the spine anyway! So what’s the point, it sounds like poison.
Dr. David Healy says
This is fascinating. Can you keep us posted on whether it goes down again, and if it does whether you or anyone can work out what it is about the drug is causing this to happen and what your doctor suggests when you get to talk to him.
David Healy
Maz says
Hi, I’ve just discovered this site. I was going through a traumatic time at age 45 yrs and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, the menopause and depression all at the same time. I was in a bad way. I was left on Seroxat for 15 years and wonder if it is the reason I know have Neuropathy. I also have severe oseaoarthritis in my hip and other joints are affected. It took over a year to come off Seroxat using a liquid form and the withdrawal symptoms were awful. Until recently I only took my Thyroid med.
25 yrs later I’ve had a Dexa scan and was told my spine was crumbling and the reading was far worse than the worst possible. The Odteoporosis Society were great adn adviced me to see a specialist. Due to Covid I only had a telephone consult with an Endocrinologist. He said the result was impossible and after another Dexa scan I’m told I have osteopenia in my hip and spine. My bloods were fairly normal although my Vit D was just within normal. I’ve been on Alendronic acid for a few months now. I had vivid dreams, some headaches and didn’t sleep well to start with. I had also gone hypothyroid. I feel very tired and my bones are much more painful now. My walking is less than a quarter of what it was, but that could be due to a herinated disc. I was put on Amitriptyline to help nerve pain. It knocked me out so I stopped it. I do wonder if all of this is as a result of being on Seroxat for so long. I’m now in my 70s and am doing my best to stay out of a wheelchair. I hate taking meds and wonder if I should stop Alendronic acid. I developed teeth probs just before diagnosis so treatment sounds scary if things are made worse by AA. Just don’t know what to do for best.
Rowena says
As a follow up to my earlier post, on Feb 21st 2021, I am still experiencing side effects as a result of the ingestion of 1 biphosphonate Alendronic Acid 70g tablet on Sunday Feb 2nd.
The side effects are bone pain, joint pain and bruising, numbness in the face and lips.
Peripheral neuropathy in the hands and fingers.
In addition, previous side effects were swellings and wealds all over, itching and bloatedness.
The side effects of this drug are well documented and you can see them at :-
There are 8,218 reported reactions, bear in mind many don’t report the side effects to the Yellow Card Scheme. 65 fatalities, 1,292 musculoskeletal disorders, 651 poisonings, 2,537 gastrointestinal disorders.
You would think that and the fact that in Canada a class action suit was brought against the manufacturers of this drug, would be enough to warrant serious alarm bells.
My advice is don’t risk your health when the adverse effects are so clearly documented.
Wong Kit Peng says
My recent BMD test shows i have esteoporosis. Took 1 pill of AA. Six hours later, left jaw joint tightness, nerves in teeth/jaw became sensitive (lasted a day), runny stools, dry mouth, calf cramps (at night).
I decided to stop. What else can I do to improve my post.menopausal condition?
Pat mcnamara says
74, fractured hip. I was prescribed alendronic acid 1x weekly. I have taken 2 in total. My whole body is sore. I feel cold inside all the time and the headache is miserable. Thank all of you for your posts. I will not take the poison again.
Brenda Bancroft says
Has no one a good word for this drug?
Stephen Copestake says
I expect only the shareholders are enthusiastic about it!
I’ve only had one tablet of the Alendronic Acid yesterday, but seem to have quite a few of the side effects so won’t have another again, and am miffed to see that people have problems for weeks even after one tablet.
Pharmaceutical drugs are just about making money and not curing people. There is a phrase called ‘the patient financial profile’ which is the profit made from an illness or disease or condition without the patient either getting cured or dying. There is a fine balance struck in order to treat symptoms without curing, so your symptoms are only abated when you take drugs, but if you die, then obviously they make no more money. The whole remit of Western medicine is to treat symptoms without curing, so that long term profits can be made…
Lyn says
I am 70 and keep fit by walking everywhere. I’ve just been prescribed AA but having read all the posts on this site have decided not to start taking it. I have had osteoarthritis for twenty years, and was diagnosed as as having osteopenia 7 years ago. My recent dexa scan showed a deterioration in bone loss in the last three years so much so that I now have osteoporosis in my hip. I am so worried about taking the meds but also worried about not taking them? I’m very concerned and unsure what to do?
Charlotte says
The Royal Osteoporosis Society website is very detailed and useful, with info on exercise – you should do more of it – which must be weight bearing – more so than just walking – and promote balance. Two or three times a week. Cut out all rubbish from your diet, anything processed or ultra-processed, with tiny treats to stop it being too depressing!
Louise Bird says
I took my first Alendronic acid tablet last Sunday. Sunday night started feeling unwell, sleepless night, sweating and chills. Next morning extreme pain in my back and kidney area. It’s now Friday and still feeling joint pain all over my back, it’s lessened but it seems to have moved from my right to left side?
I’ve taken a covid test because these days ‘that’s what you do’ if you feel ill at all. However I’m convinced that it’s the AA tablet and am very scared to take another!
Amanda says
Like to leave a reply to louise bird
Stop taking your alendronic acid yes like you I been taking AA for about 2yrs in this time I have had a dry mouth enough to think I’m going to lose all my teeth at the time . Muscle pain all the time hot sweats but put that down to menapause each time going to doctors about my symptoms only to be told the good will out way the bad Iike hell did it only at the end of july I was walking minding my own business with friends in torquay on holiday 1 day into my holiday I was crossing the road &my leg broke in front of me so I sustained a femur fracture due to AA which has been confirmed twice it was the AA that has caused this I have now come off them my sweats have stopped along with the others symptoms all stopped all off most I put down to a long menapause. Yet we women know when something is not right we seek help only to be fobbed off by stupid replys from doctors only to get rid of us . I am at the moment still recovering from my fracture as it only been 3wks so if anyone reading this have a build up of pressure on your leg whilst taking these awful tablets seek help before the leg breaks as it will the femur is so so painful take care everyone
Lynne Durham says
Hi Amanda I’m sitting here like yourself 3 weeks after my Fibula operation. It took 3 months of complaining about the pain before they found the fracture. This is also due to A Acid. I’m being sick still and feel awful. I’m 72 and have lost my top teeth due to bone loss so have no choice but dentures. I have Rheumatoid arthritis and feel severely let down by the medical profession.
Penny Benn says
Hi Lynn
I’ve been reading through this forum regarding Alendronic Acid. I realised your post was very recent. Bless you you’ve been through it. I have been taking AA for 8 months but I’ve stopped using it now as I’m suffering with reflux heartburn and tummy issues. Not a coincidence I don’t think so have told my doctor I’m not going to take it anymore. I have Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis.
Judith says
Hi. I have been taking A.A for about 9/10 months. I cannot say specifically that they have caused me any problems. My worry at the moment is that I need a new crown in my teeth and do not know if this permitted and if I go ahead will it affect the health of my gums. jaw ? . My crown became wobbly and fell out . I guess my mouth has changed after a long time and it has not fitted properly for a while. The hygienist cleaned my teeth a few weeks ago. I think she must have dislodged it, I also have something called GCA which can affect your jaw so I can’t say which or if either has caused the problem. Has anyone has this done ?
Clover says
Hello All
Thank you for all y9our input re: Alendronic Acid. Took one tablet within 24hrs experienced labour pains & felt like I’d been kicked by a horse in the back – continued for 4 days, gradually wore off and I refused to take another Alendronic pill again.
Following breast cancer they want me to take Aromatase Inhibitor along with a Biphosphonate Clondronate or Zolendronic so my question to everyone out there will these other biphosphonates result in similar pain?
Linda says
Feel quite worried reading all these comments but thoughts I’d just let people know that my 90 year old mother has been taking AA plus Adcal for about 8 years after two falls in which her wrists were broken ( falls due to hypotension caused by drug she was currently taking. Stopped now. She has had none of the horrible side effects mentioned in these posts so it must work for some people.
Virginia says
Took AA on Sunday and the next night I was in so much pain, I couldn’t move. It was all around my upper body. Went to ER did EKG and blood work. Everything was find. No other cause but the medicine . My advice beware.
Daphne Hughes says
Hello very interested in everyone’s comments, I was put on alendronic acid tablets two years ago since I had osteoporosis in the hips. The last two weeks I have felt terribly sick, not eaten much had terrible bloated stomach, one Sunday I felt so ill I had to do a 111 saw a medical person and was given a thorough test being told everthing was ok, I had put it all down to my gallbladder which it wasn’t. I had been suffering with a terrible burning tongue for eight months and I also had aching legs, this burning tongue I put down to the gallstones I have got. I have had to keep off coffee, fruit and anything acidic for months, I even tried gaviscon which made me feel sick and had a bloated stomach for 2 hours. So I have decided that it must be the alendronic acid and I have stopped taking them its making my life unbearable.
fay sicinski says
My 76yr old mom has taken 7 AA tablets and it has cause her hip, leg and groin pain that has become quite severe. She has stopped the tablets. She had breast cancer over 5 years ago and had a fall recently and broke her wrist. She doesn’t have osteoporosis but they just put her on these. She is currently in a lot of pain when she walks. The pain has travelled to her shins since stopping it. She was a keen walker and is feeling very worried. Have other people’s side effects, particularly bone and muscle pain gone away after discontinuing this drug.
Jackie Elwin says
june 2022. Have been on it a yr. Was ok i think, but disabled badly with fatigue anyway, so hard to know. But after a yr i got a very bad back, ended up a right angle for 6 wks, now i have just pushed hard with a screwdriver and got such a pain in my side. Reading all above, i think i will put myself on a little break, just to see if there is a difference in my condition overall. Very useful thread this thanks everyone. To summarise, my probs appear to be muscular. I have v v mild connective tissue disorder (not rare) also.
Sheila Jackson says
Hi everyone I was put on alendronic about 25years ago after scan, had bad time painful joins,palpitations,pains in my chest was that bad they thought I was having heart attack,doctors dismiss as stress. Fast forward to 2019 stared getting pains from my knees traveled throughout my body into my head thought im going to die. Was taken into hospital and because I was taken alendronic they discharged me with 4 Tramadol pain was excruciating..Then I started knocking on doors ring any doctor who would listen no one listen. Then seen a doctor over the pains in my head he asked how long I’d been taking alendronic when I told him how long I’d on them, he was horrified and reported straight away.They discovered I had broken Vertebrae leaning on my spinal cord.Alendronic should be band.
Anna Wood says
I have been taking alendronic acid and adcal D3 for several months, since starting these drugs I have developed a very dry sore mouth and tongue with much reduced flow of saliva, also I have much reduced sense of taste. Other symptoms include numbness of the lips which are also dry and sometimes numbness in the chin. I have many what I call, ‘low grade’ headaches with a distinct feeling of fuzziness, disorientation and have problems concentrating. I’m also having episodes of increased heart rate on a regular basis just from walking a short distance. Another problem that really concerns me is that my teeth feel rough, as though the surface is eroding. I don’t know if these problems have been caused by the AA, but I’m now thinking that I should stop taking it and see if my symptoms resolve.
Dr. David Healy says
Stopping and seeing if the symptoms resolve for most drugs is the best way to prove a link – some problems with some drugs may take time more time than you expect but will resolve but some may also be permanent
Gloria Browne says
I too, was prescribed this drug as, my poor mother had developed osteoporosis very badly. My story begins in May 2014 when I was 72 and took the first once a week dose of one tablet with a glass of water. On the third dose I took the tablet with a glass of water as usual and as it was 6.30am I decided to take the lurcher I was looking after for a longish walk (as you can’t sit down once you had taken the tablet).
Not far into the walk (about 20 mins. I would say) I was suddenly aware of my mouth being transformed into a state where I was unable to move my lips – and then my jaw – at all. I walked home very gingerly with the dog and later phoned my doctor
who told me ‘it could be one of many things’. That was the last tablet I took of that drug. I reported the effect the drug had on me to the MHRA.
Julie Kennedy says
Took my 1st AA 2 days ago, since then I’ve had constant stomachache, feel exhausted, and tired, and shivering. My legs and bottoms of feet, are so painful. I suffer with Reaumatoid Athritis, so put the pain down to this, plus the osteoporosis. I feel so Ill, but after reading the comments regarding AA, I’m not sure, if it’s the AA causing these problems, I’m afraid to take my next one, on Thursday. It’s such a dilemma.
Joyce Thomas says
I’m an 82 yr old female and was diagnosed with Paget’s disease several months ago and asked if I wanted to take tablets or have three infusions (one each year). I chose the infusions and, after two infusions, the Paget’s was seen to be in remission. My specialist came back to me a month ago to tell me I should take AA from now on so I started taking the weekly pill 4 weeks ago. I’m not really happy with the idea of another pill so asked what would happen if I didn’t take them and she said “I don’t know” ! Anyway, I started to take them three weeks ago and I seem to have been fortunate in that I have had very few side effects but, after reading all these reviews, I’m not sure I will carry on as I’m fit and healthy with no pain.
Sandra says
I took it for 13 years.
My femur snapped on its own one day wnen I stepped out of shower which led to a broken ankle on other leg .
You should have a break after 5 years of taking the tablets. No one told me ! I took it for 13 years
One specialist. Told me it was because I had been on them so long it had opposite effect.
Took case to a solicitor. Took 2 years. Still never won the case.
I think I need proof from others who have had the same problems ! They should not be allowed to get away with theses tablets
Mary Clarke says
Just started taking AA . One tablet very dry mouth and lips, loss of taste , feel slightly weird head wise.
karen Butler says
I started these 1 month ago and don’t feel right at all feel really lethargic, have stomach problems and have more pain now in back since before I started to take them. I have booked dr appointment.
Dr. David Healy says
Keep us posted on your doctor’s response. Can you file a RxISK report on this?
Lorri says
I have just been prescribed Alendronic Acid and Letrozole after having radiotherapy for breast cancer, and a bone scan which showed I have bone thinning. I had already been told last year that I have osteoarthritis.
I hate taking anything other than occasional paracetamol and vitamin supplements, and I’m very wary of putting anything else in my body as I haven’t felt right since the Covid vaccination in 2021!
When I read the leaflet detailing possible side effects I was worried and found this site after a bit of searching.
I won’t now be taking the AA, it seems the more medication you take the more problems you get 😟