This post follows Launching and How You Can Help which are also now on our Prize page on the Main Menu.
Launching the RxISK Prize has been eye opening. Everyone who has donated or will donate will hopefully get some sense of this. If you’re not getting it, you need to remember this Prize is yours not ours. Those donating money and those donating sweat own what is happening and are stakeholders with rights in what is happening.
You will be fully involved if you’ve had a shock realizing you are now a Capitalist or part of a Capitalist group (plot). Having Capital means having Power. Rather than fitting in with other peoples’ plans, there is a chance to set the agenda and get them to fit in with yours.
If all the research time people with PSSD, PFS and PRSD had spent on researching their condition were costed up and added to all the money spent getting various drugs and herbs and treatments and to the opportunity costs lost because of all the time on research and trying treatment options and instead had been put into a Prize pot, we could likely spread word about a $1,000,000 Prize.
Unfortunately instead we have been feeding the “healthcare” machine that has injured us – making it more profitable.
Gathering around a Prize is a way to turn the tables. It sends several messages to the system. One is – we set the rules.
A second one hinges on what people gathered around the Prize do. If you stop using the system – going to doctors, and taking risks with remedies, the System will be forced to take notice for reasons that are surprising.
People wrecked by drugs are like shipwrecks that give rise to an oil spill. Like the Exxon Valdez oil spill we increase GDP. Healthcare Systems don’t want to make anyone better – they want to be used. The more drug wrecks, now possibly the leading cause of Healthcare usage today, the greater the healthcare GDP. Uniting and ensuring the System works for us is not something the rest of Healthcare will necessarily appreciate. Sounds paradoxical but there it is.
Vitamin K
In addition to money, a lot research has flooded in. People with little or no background in healthcare seem to be better at research and chasing leads than doctors are. One of the key insights behind RxISK has always been that Motivation is worth more than Expertise.
Among the materials sent in have been fascinating details on the role of the Vitamin K family of compounds. I had no idea about any of this. What some of the detail makes clear is that almost everything in the body is connected to everything else in a myriad intricate ways. When we take any medication we do so at our peril. Pill-taking is a triumph of optimism over sense. Even if we escape apparently unscathed, we will be changed.
There has been other fascinating proposals involving St John’s Wort, RU486, as well as treatment induced liver dysfunction and the role it may play.
Above all there have been more details of people who have had temporary relief after taking a variety of medicines such as selegilene – more often than not after stopping them. This temporary relief and especially the frequency with which it occurs after stopping other medicines feels like an important clue.
We will collect all materials sent in and make them available to anyone who figures they might have a possible treatment – these are the kinds of observations a successful treatment may also be able to shed light on. In due course with the permission of those who have forwarded materials we will make them available to everyone.
Women and men
PSSD and PRSD and for obvious reasons PFS are worlds in which men have been most vocal. But there is every reason to think women are just as much affected. And interestingly, at present there is a slightly higher rate of donations from women than men.
In response to suggestions we now have a RxISK Prize page in the main menu, which has a Donate button. It also shows the current total and where donations have come from. We will be updating the figures probably at weekly intervals or perhaps more often.
We have had 31 donors give an average of $250 each. This has been very impressive.
We would be interested to hear any other ideas about graphics that might be worth displaying to capture wider or media interest.
We have calculated these figures based on dollar per head of population – so if you live in the Isle of Man, Monaco or even one of the Baltic Republics you have a chance to take your country into a position of global leadership with just one donation. Where are you Spain, France, Brazil and Argentina? North Korea are probably spared these problems – no one there is probably let take Propecia given that a certain American reputedly takes it.
What we need
What we need is for anyone suffering significant side effects from any drug – not just PFS, PRSD, or PSSD to get involved and own what is going on. P-SSD-FS-RSD is just the start. It is a good place to start because it has mobilized a lot of people and motivated them to engage in research etc in a way reminiscent of the AIDS community in the 1980s when they formed ACT UP.
Drug Wrecks are killing many more people every year than AIDS did at the height of the epidemic. We need you to take a stand and bring this epidemic under control and these conditions are a first step on the way. After the sexual effects, there are a range of other problems Propecia, Acutane, Antidepressants and Antibiotics like the Fluoroquinolones among others cause in common like brain fog, chemo brain, sensory disturbances, food intolerance and withdrawal syndromes. The hope is that a cure for P-RSD-FS-SSD will open a door on how to help these other conditions also.
How to claim the prize
This Prize will not be awarded for an elegant idea.
We have a core set of volunteers who have been badly damaged by these drugs. The Prize will be awarded if they say something has made a very significant difference to them.
But they are wary of taking anything and regard all doctors, and herbalists, and complementary therapists with a lot of suspicion. They have seen a decade of good ideas come and go. They are only likely to be persuaded if you can provide very good evidence that the treatment works – ideally by having someone who can make a convincing case they have been cured.
The second step is it has to be safe. You will have to be able to persuade several members of the RxISK Team who don’t have P-SSD-FS-RSD to take it also.
Johanna says
Those more schooled in pharmacology than I am might want to add a drug to their study list: duloxetine or Cymbalta. There are LOTS of online support groups for those trying to quit this drug, since the withdrawal can be protracted and awful. But of those who succeed, almost all seem to find their sexuality back to normal – and a large number experience a brief period of what you might call “rebound horniness.”
This is both a physical and mental effect – both increased sensation, and increased interest. Or as one woman put it, “I catch myself eyeing my poor boyfriend like a starving woman looking at a chocolate cake.” (Can’t feel too sorry for the guy …)
Cymbalta withdrawal can also produce strange, intense dreams, many of them quite scary or disturbing. For some people, these two effects seem to overlap; for others, not. The most common report was of straight-up nightmares, although some people reported dreams that were simply “intense” or “weird.” A few men reported classic “wet dreams” of the kind they used to have as teenagers. One poor soul reported a mix: he had “fantastic XX dreams,” but at some point “the zombies show up and it becomes a nightmare.”
Cymbalta was heavily sold as a pain reliever – at first for depressed patients who complained of diffuse aches and pains; then for diabetic nerve pain; then for physical pain of all sorts including injured knees, backs, etc. It works for some people while others find it useless. It makes many people feel groggy – my vague impression is that men are more likely to find it “too sedating” than women, but I could be wrong. Maybe its so-called analgesic properties have something to do with all this? I have no idea …
Dr. David Healy says
I think its highly likely that the minimal pain relieving properties all of these drugs have has something to do with the genital anasthesia. The rebound increased sexuality was first described by Isaac Marks linked to clomipramine use in the 1980s – a tricky case he figured because it was happening in a Nun. The other aspect to all this that women have brought to the fore and we shouldn’t forget – and we still don’t know if it happens in men – is PGAD – persistent Genital Arousal Disorder, which is in some respects a mirror image of PSSD.
A good candidate for the Prize might be a drug that reverses analgesia – but googling anti-analgesics doesn’t throw up much – at least when i do the googling which turns out to be pretty limited googling compared to you and others.
Daryl says
I had PGAD on withdrawal and I didn’t stop cumming instantly in my pants fully until over a year as I remember. Like I had brain zaps for the same period, it was part of the same really long withdrawal. I am a man. I had the PGAD on withdrawal alongside the brain zaps, they diminished at the same rate.
PGAD wasn’t like a cure for PSSD or anything it was just a total mess. I ejaculated on the public bus seat just trying to do my shopping.
Dr. David Healy says
Many thanks for this. You’ve now put this on the map. This is an area where women have led the way – perhaps we will hear some more from other men now.
Daryl says
Sorry for drawing confusion it was so confusing and traumatic. When I went numb longer to ejaculate wank on Sertraline being prescribed (alongside Sulpiride). Then Lyrica (another anaelgesic now in the news for killing drug addicts that love it) was added and made my genitals go even more numb. And I guess while I was PGAD’ing on withdrawal it was like the opposite of harder to cum.
Lyrica bbc documentary 11th sept 2017
Another Lyrica Patient youtuber admitting it Lyrica made his genitals numb harder to jack off / ejaculate
I am not sure if this is what stopped my erections happening though. Why would the numbness stop my arousal erections from responding throughout the whole body?
So the I agree the anaelgesic route may be something worth looking at if could be reversed, like with a lot of these anealgesic drugs.
On a side note my friends cat (that I totally don’t agree with) just got castrated, he is totally changed. A different cat. He doesn’t attack people all the time anymore.
He is a good pet. But he is not a natural cat. The cat didn’t choose to be a changed cat of a changed character…
Katie B-T says
I think we need some kind of commitee to organize our efforts for the RXRISK Prize–to spread the word. If there is some way we could all come together in one place online in real-time I think that would be best to have meetings.
Delta says
Everybody seems excited about throwing money (again…) to solve a problem (neurological restoration…) that is the holy graal of psychiatry…
I have bad news: Nerve restoration will not be achieved in the next century…
By the way the prize should include antipsychotics… But i guess there will be some absolutly logical and rational argument for not include them. Manipulation can assume many forms…
In my opinion is ridiculous that a prize is offered to the cure of a medical condition caused by drugs that don´t cure anything…Just create problems…
If we gonna set a prize of 100 000 dollars for libido/penis/vagina damage, i guess we can set a table for other iatrogenic damages caused by psychiatric drugs:
Tardive dyskinesia: Typical neurological damage: $100 000 award…
Akathisia: Problematic… I set the award at $200 000.
Anhedonia: Extremelly damaging. It compromises the simple notion of being alive. You simply exist: Half a million.
Suicide: Its gonna be hard to ressuscitate people: 2 million award…
I guess it can be a good idea to extend awards to other kind of drugs:
Talidomide missing limbs: 1 million…
Vioxx heart attacks: Same as SSRI induced suicide: 2 million…
This is not a David vs. Goliath kind of fight: It’s an ant vs. blue whale kind of fight, where the ant has 2 legs missing…
Psychiatry now is an established $200 000 000 000 worldwide industry, selling $100 000 000 000 worth of drugs. PSSD is known for decades by doctors and Big Pharma. In 2017 doctors are being bought, regulatory agencies are being bought, universities are being bought, governments are being bougth,media is being bought…And eventual fines are integrated in the Big Pharma business model.
“Capitalist pay to play” is the name of the game… And the game uses hipocrisy, manipulation and corruption…
To those who have been damaged by psychiatric drugs my message is this:
Assume that the damage is irreversible. Make good use of what you have been left with. Never consider suicide! That is the best that can happen to Big Pharma and psychiatry: It perpetuates their narrative and its a waste of motivation. Keep your indignation and revolt alive for the rest of your life. You now who the enemy is!
Internet is more than 20 years old now. Make good use of it. PSSD is an old secret that has been revealed. Use social media, create a site/forum, learn video editing, create a blog… always remember that Facebook/Twitter/Youtube/Google/Wikipedia are in the censorship business! Spread the word in multiple platforms like Bitchute, Dtube, Minds,, Consider TOR and the Deep Web…Redundancy is a weapon in itself!
Spread the word: Prevent other people from being hurt! Warn your family and friends. Use every oportunity to attack Psychiatry lies and omissions!
Understand that the cure to the neurological damage caused by PSSD represents the cure to blindness and broken spine … Not gonna happen in the next century…
Throwing money at it is like chasing unicorns…That will end no one knows where and eventually might end in the hands of those who created PSSD…
Dr. David Healy says
A lot of people on this site would likely agree with a lot of what you say. But not all of it. You seem to favor leaving people suffer in the hope they rise up and sweep pharma away and are against helping those who are injured now because they will just go asleep again once they are well and no-one will have learnt anything.
But once you sweep pharma away you are going to need a pharmaceutical industry. Alternative and complementary therapists and others gouge and injure people just as much as pharma who may in some respects be more ethical. If you want to blame someone I would blame the medics who should know they are dealing in poisons and should take due care but don’t. But this is not because they are bought by pharma. Its because their journals – like the BMJ – are scared to publish about the risks of medicines and so the average doctor has no-one to back her up.
You haven’t read enough about PSSD – PRSD etc or you’d have spotted that for many there are windows where functioning can come back close to normal. So there is damage but its not permanent.
The idea of neuroprotection from psychotropics is American and is baloney (an Irish word first). There is nothing about what’s happening here that is about neuroprotection.
And if you read the posts, you see its about taking money out of the system rather than throwing money at anything. It would be good if you read what is being said rather than what you think is being said. Your energy would come in useful
mary H. says
I don’t see this (Rxisk prize) as a fight against pharma nor purely to do with PSSD, but rather as a coming together for the sake of all sufferers. It has been explained that this particular group of sufferers was chosen due to their high number in contact with Rxisk. It could just as easily have been any other group – hopefully, any breakthrough would cover many other conditions too.
Pharma accepts PSSD ( as a condition even if not by name) – they, and only they, know why they are not pushing to find a way through to a cure. The offending drugs are now suggested for use as ‘medical castration’ to be used in relation to sex offenders.
Supporting this move – the offer of a prize – shows our determination to get to the heart of the matter and, through it, open the eyes of all those lucky enough not to be hampered by adverse reactions to the reality of the suffering that goes on behind closed doors.
This is an opportunity for all who hear of it to do what they can to support. We can’t all come up with ideas of a cure; we can’t all supply thousands of dollars towards the prize – but we CAN all be positive and grateful for all the work that goes into organising this sort of venture, and do our best to spread the word and the need.
Delta says
After this tragedy that happened in my life that is PSSD, I came to the conclusion of 2 things:
That some psychiatrists will tell me that my definition of Pssd is flawed. Others will dismiss it altogheter. Others will say that pssd is extraordinarilly rare, and others will say that it has a cure… you just need to wait…
Other arguments might be used, because intelligent people with conflicts of interest can be very creative…
The other thing is that 99% of the psychiatrists have never in their entire life consumed a full year of antidepressants/antipsychotics at normal dose…
Professor Healy:
I don´t know what to think about you… The Internet is filled with psyops/astroturf disguised as forums and sites…
Dr. David Healy says
The internet is increasingly filled with psyops and astroturfs disguised as forums and sites. Pretty well all of them will react to talk of harms on treatment the way vampires react to garlic and crucifixes. If you apply this test it rather looks like the Major medical Colleges and Associations have been body-snatched…
Laurie O says
I think it has a good chance of working. There are countless people researching in their particular niche who might welcome an opportunity to test and show their treatment’s effectiveness for another problem. We just need to embody a concerted effort to reach out to them once we raise the funds.
One of the best things about this campaign is that it takes the onus off of the sufferer. For once he/she is not being pressured to try this or that remedy, not being left to heal themselves, or to try spreading the word alone via YouTube etc. I find this refreshing.
The world has not really awoken to these problems so of course it’s an uphill push, but at least it’s something we can do together. The more people get involved, even in little ways like passing out leaflets, the more these issues become visible. That alone makes the campaign worth it.
In my opinion, all of us who care about any form of drug related iatrogenesis should be thinking, what can I do, personally, to help pull this off? The RxISK team has done quite a lot for us, including starting this campaign. All that is left is for us to ask ourselves what we can do.
Katie B-T says
I tried 10 mgs of cbd oil three times–spaced out over 1.5 days. After the 3rd dose I got very anxious. I don’t tolerate a lot of medications anymore after the SSRI withdrawal. I googled cbd oil and serotonin and found some info that said they wonder if it stimulates some of the serotonin pathways. Maybe explaining my negative reaction to it.
Sally Macgregor says
Blimey – Wales is putting the rest of the world to shame. Are you raising the money single-handedly Mary? I keep having a look and wondering what else I could do but am, actually, stumped. It is nice to have the responsibility for constant battling for recognition and help taken off our shoulders, as Laurie says – however.
I’ve been having Lucentis injections to treat macular degeneration in one eye. The jab is about as unpleasant as you might imagine – in fact, to be honest, not as bad as one might imagine. The immediate aftermath – a sore eye – is a nuisance but completely bearable. But, each time, about a fortnight later, I get the most horrific arthralgia, aches, sweats and crippling fatigue. All those side effects are listed – but is the drug triggering off those reactions in me particularly badly because of the complex withdrawal stuff? I had bad reactions to the flu jab, so won’t have them any longer, and was completely unable to tolerate metformin. I wonder if I’ve been rendered super-sensitive to all drugs? Not sure that’s relevant to the Prize but could be a factor in finding a cure – we’d all have to be able to tolerate potential side effects if we are liable to get acute reactions.
mary H. says
Ha, ha, ha, I like your thoughts of my power over the inhabitants of Wales, Sally! However, I have to admit to feeling very proud of my country at this present time. We USED to be top of the rugby ladder, we did VERY WELL in the Euro Cup football last year – but, to stand tall as we do on the graph at the moment, is a great achievement. It’s especially so since I feel so frustrated at the lack of interest in the whole issue wherever I try. So, no, I can’t take the praise for our success – but, I guess that we really don’t know how far our efforts have snowballed even if the response is poor face-to-face. The important thing, I guess, is to keep spreading the word.
Has anyone any tips on withdrawing from Depakote please. Really struggling here – mood swings are disgustingly difficult to cope with. One moment feeling fine, next deep, deep depression with voices drumming my head. Struggled with Quetiapine but this is worse. It is playing with my mind in a horrible way – have tried distraction etc. but the struggle continues.
Gaige Clark says
I attempt to solve these sort of puzzles constantly. I’m interested and think I could find solutions to this and already have a few hunches where to look. I’m wondering how it works to submit solutions? I will likely post this solution on my website explaining that I am aiming to solve this puzzle and then explore the research. May I get into contact with someone? I want to know what to do if I find potential solutions.