Editorial Note: This is the fourth of five posts running over two weeks, about Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD). The first was Wikipedia Editor inserts Foot in Mouth, followed by 120 cases of PSSD, and Recovering from PSSD. I first took citalopram in November 2007, at the age of 22. I had quite bad OCD and because there was a long wait to try CBT, I was persuaded to try … [Read more...] about A PSSD Story
Recovering from PSSD
Some weeks ago, a number of people linked to Paxil Progress got in touch. They were concerned that RxISK was putting out a message that there was no recovery from Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD) and that if people got this message they might go on to commit suicide. This post tackles the issue of recovery, first by offering an account of recovery, followed by a comment and … [Read more...] about Recovering from PSSD
PSSD – One Hundred and Twenty Cases
Delete - Delete! No sooner was the original Wikipedia PSSD page restored that it attracted an extermination notice from the Wikipedia Daleks. The original page may or may not still be here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post_SSRI_Sexual_Dysfunction_(PSSD). In Wikipedia Editor Inserts Foot in Mouth on Monday, we called on people to consider hosting Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, … [Read more...] about PSSD – One Hundred and Twenty Cases
Wikipedia Editor Inserts Foot in Mouth
Editorial Note: This is the first of several posts about Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD) over the next two weeks on RxISK. This post coincides with the restoration of the Wikipedia PSSD Page which was taken down earlier this year. We reposted the page on RxISK and outlined the controversy surrounding its removal. The restored Wikipedia page, within 12 hours of restoration, … [Read more...] about Wikipedia Editor Inserts Foot in Mouth
We Are the Ninety-Nine Percent
Editorial Note: This is a Coda to the four posts on davidhealy.org about Sense about Science and AllTrials - Follow the Rhetoric, First Admit no Harm, Follow the Lawsuit and Follow the Patient. It's running here because it attempts to lay out some of the principles behind RxISK. The last post ended on this note: Over 18 months ago, RxISK attempted to open up a debate on the … [Read more...] about We Are the Ninety-Nine Percent
Is Your Mom on Drugs? Ours was and here’s what we did about it.
This story illustrates the issues described in Polypharmacy: when is enough, enough? It also illustrates how important the voice of the patients and, when they can’t advocate for themselves, their family. The experience of this family has motivated Johanna Trimble to become an advocate to help others avoid a similar situation. We hope stories like this family’s and tools like … [Read more...] about Is Your Mom on Drugs? Ours was and here’s what we did about it.
Polypharmacy: When is enough, enough?
Could you be on too many drugs? by Dr. Derelie (Dee) Mangin David Braley and Nancy Gordon Chair in Family Medicine, McMaster University The scenario is familiar: you or your mother or father has multiple pills to take at multiple times of the day. A pillbox called a dosette may be used to try and reduce the confusion and keep things on track. Where’s the problem? Surely … [Read more...] about Polypharmacy: When is enough, enough?
GSK and Catch 22
Editorial: This post by Johanna Ryan notes a significant legal development for anyone taking a generic drug. It's also a testament to the ability of motivated women to make a difference to the landscape. We’re posting this interview with Wendy Dolin to draw attention to a victory – a possible break in the terrible legal Catch-22 faced by people in the United States who suffer … [Read more...] about GSK and Catch 22
Nobel Prize, Jackpot Winner or just Savior?
RxISK is not all about bad news. We ask anyone who is having a problem on a drug to think of a possible use to which this problem could be put. We also want people to keep alert to anything they notice after starting a new treatment. It is entirely possible that the right set of observations could lead to a Nobel Prize, or might allow someone to take a use patent out on an … [Read more...] about Nobel Prize, Jackpot Winner or just Savior?
Marketing CoPilot recognized for helping RxISK.org achieve exemplary marketing results in email marketing
TORONTO, ON — April 29, 2014 – Marketing CoPilot® Inc., a leader in Canada for digital marketing strategy and execution, has received the 2013 All Star Award from Constant Contact® Inc., the trusted marketing advisor to more than half a million small organizations worldwide. Each year, Constant Contact bestows the All Star Award to a select group of businesses and … [Read more...] about Marketing CoPilot recognized for helping RxISK.org achieve exemplary marketing results in email marketing