This post continues the Silencing Safety, Lonesome Heroines, and Uterine Roulette theme of Consent. It is a twin birth with In Secula Seculorum. The original Xmas was not a peaceful event, nor is this Xmas, and this is not a peaceful post. It hinges on the work of Peter Selley - who is not responsible for any irreverence or edginess in tone. The Very Dead of Winter It is a … [Read more...] about No Room at the Inn
Medical kidnap
Lonesome Heroines, Forgotten Women and Consent
This post needs reading along with Silent Health and Silencing Safety. The Forgotten Woman in Silent Health is the Lonesome Heroine here. Informed Consent Someone, seriously injured by a medicine he had taken, got in touch this week asking if it was possible to take an action against his doctor or in some way get compensation for his drug inflicted damage. He was sure he had … [Read more...] about Lonesome Heroines, Forgotten Women and Consent
Silencing Doctors Silencing Safety
This post runs hand in hand with Women and Children First by Peter Selley. Both posts link to a BMJ Consent Article and Vaccine contre la bronchiolite: Pfizer Essais en zone d'ombre by Ariane Denoyel for Blast, a French investigative journalism unit. Peter Selley first contacted me in April 2020. As I now know Peter has an impeccable background in common sense. He and his … [Read more...] about Silencing Doctors Silencing Safety
Freeing Teresa: The Quality of Care
Samizdat is co-publishing Freeing Teresa with Franke and Bill James. There is a complementary Freeing Teresa: Human Rights Should not be Disabled post on There has also been a prior RxISK post about Teresa - Human Rights Should be for Everyone. Today we will also add a Human Rights Category to RxISK posts. Freeing Teresa is a true story about Franke’s … [Read more...] about Freeing Teresa: The Quality of Care
Clinical Details Confuse Expert Doctors
Following the death of their 16-year-old son Romain, who had been put on paroxetine with Tercian later added, Yoko Motohama and Vincent Schmitt began asking questions of GSK, Sanofi, the French ANSM (Agence nationale de sécurité du medicament), and others. They set up two websites and Romain’s case features on … [Read more...] about Clinical Details Confuse Expert Doctors
Could Journalists be Doctors in Disguise
I had to give some workshops a few years ago to media students and either while thinking about what to say or in the middle of saying it, or soon after, it hit me that good doctoring has a lot in common with good journalism. Both hinge on getting the story right and key to that is having a real person whom others can contact to check out the story they have been told about … [Read more...] about Could Journalists be Doctors in Disguise
DD and AA Groups Similarities and Differences
Illustration: Is There Life After Meds?, © 2014 created by Billiam James DD in this case stands for Drug Damaged. AA for Alcoholics Anonymous. Some of the material in this post is likely to disturb some readers. Reading it in conjunction with Here We Stand We Can Do No Other and Dos Centavos - Veinte Euros may help make sense of material that may not sit well with some … [Read more...] about DD and AA Groups Similarities and Differences
Podcasts, YouTube Channels, Blogs and Related
In some of the comments after the last post, POGO mentioned that Josef Witt-Doerring has done two interviews with me so far and posted them on his site. The Risks of Antidepressants and Antidepressants and Mass Shootings/Murder Suicide: An interview has also appeared on Demystifying Science podcast with Anastasia & Michael Shilo The Podcast called … [Read more...] about Podcasts, YouTube Channels, Blogs and Related
Harry and Meghan and Narinder
Some weeks ago, in Antidepressants and Premature Death RxISK featured an article by Narinder Balsal and colleagues from Bristol in the British Journal of Psychiatry, which caused quite a fuss. See below. Today we are posting about another article by her in PLoS Medicine. This comes with an Animated Trailer - the first RxISK post to feature one. The article - … [Read more...] about Harry and Meghan and Narinder
Charles Dickens and Red Tape, Alive and Well in 2023
This post is a follow up to Great Treatment, Patient Dead and to last weeks 'Twas the Nice before Christmas. This image is almost unreadable but worth presenting as it's the first mention of Red Tape - short for Red Tapeworm. The full, readable text can be found here The Circumlocution Office. Red Tape is a highly topical way to start the New Year. Dickens was … [Read more...] about Charles Dickens and Red Tape, Alive and Well in 2023