Antidepressant Withdrawal and Dependence is one of the greatest public health crises of our time. Ed White has recently featured in the UK recounting his experiences he drifting into dependence on antidepressants and finding that the people best placed to help him and you were others in same position supporting each other through groups on Facebook and elsewhere - see White … [Read more...] about Antidepressant Withdrawal: Avoid Doctors?
I Am Your Patient Too
This 2020 closes in the middle of Covid19 and with the package leaflets of SSRI and SNRI antidepressants just updated in Europe with a new but evasive Warning: 'Cases have been observed where symptoms of sexual dysfunction have persisted after discontinuation of treatment'. Doctors, did you notice? Here I am. My sexual symptoms caused by an antidepressant have indeed … [Read more...] about I Am Your Patient Too
Daffodils and Withdrawal?
Stimulated by the recent Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) discussion, the following began as a comment from one of RxISK's background activists but grew into a post. RxISK is not about to desert orthodox medicine and turn to herbalism but herbalism may well have a lot to offer. It looks like many traditional remedies actually do act on systems we knew nothing about until … [Read more...] about Daffodils and Withdrawal?
TRP Drugs and Herbs for Withdrawal and PSSD
We first mentioned Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) Channels/ Receptors in several RxISK posts about withdrawal and they feature on the RxISK Complex Withdrawal Page under Ion Channels. The table on that page gives a fascinating list of herbs and other compounds that could conceivably play a part in stabilizing people who are having withdrawal problems. Five or more years … [Read more...] about TRP Drugs and Herbs for Withdrawal and PSSD
Managing SSRI Withdrawal: Another Way
This post by J is about his withdrawal. He takes a different approach to the ones outlined in Side Effexor Withdrawal through to Helping H - an engineering approach rather than a therapy one. Next week we will feature a post about some of the TRP (Transient Receptor Potential) Channels he mentions. I usually work as an Engineer in an Embedded Systems development capacity. I was … [Read more...] about Managing SSRI Withdrawal: Another Way
Functional Neurological Disorder?
A recent RxISK post on SSRI triggered Movement Disorders - My Doctor Thinks I'm Faking It - put together by Stevie Lewis, attracted less attention than we expected. This may be because it featured strange movements and few of us figure we are in a good position to make sense of strange movements. The movements we featured don't make sense to many neurologists, even … [Read more...] about Functional Neurological Disorder?
Where’s Anonymous?
The following email arrived last week from someone who is unknown to me – has never filed a RxISK report about PSSD, never contributed to the RxISK Prize, never previously been in touch that I know of – at least under the name offered - doesn’t sign off, and is unwilling to engage in a public discussion but starts off on very familiar terms. David, I have followed your work … [Read more...] about Where’s Anonymous?
RxISK and Sharks
Two posts last week on RxISK Biohacking and david healy Stormy Weather raised issues about the Enduring Sexual Dysfunctions (ESD) linked to SSRIs and related drugs (PSSD and PGAD), finasteride and related drugs (PFS), and isotretinoin (PRSD). In the biohacking post both sides of the “debate” were concerned about the people with these conditions who had taken their … [Read more...] about RxISK and Sharks
Bio Rip-off, Bio Delusions, Bio Hack?
This ambiguous picture comes up when you search under grave robbing - nothing you can make money out of is sacred. But its entitled grave digger. Digger, robber, it can be hard to tell. We had an email a few days ago about a young man desperately seeking help who had in good faith took something he thought would help with hair loss and was now several years later suffering … [Read more...] about Bio Rip-off, Bio Delusions, Bio Hack?
My Doctor thinks I’m Faking It; SSRI Movement Disorders Editorial Note: This post by Stevie Lewis raises a very tricky area. There is no doubt that SSRIs cause movement disorders and not just temporary disorders but permanent problems like atypical Motor Neurone Disorder (ALS), Steele-Richardson Syndrome, Osmotic Demyelination Sydrome (Pontine Myelinolysis) and Multiple System Atrophy. … [Read more...] about My Doctor thinks I’m Faking It; SSRI Movement Disorders