It might sound corny but it has long been said that our Eyes are the Window to our Soul. Whatever about the soul, every medical student gets told by ophthalmologists that the Eyes are the Window to the Body. They claim to be able to detect almost every possible disease by looking at our eyes. Just over a decade ago, Corneal Confocal Microscopy (CCM) came into view. See CCM - … [Read more...] about The Window to the Body and perhaps the Soul
Touch Fibres, Autonomic Fibres and Kissing
Someone, who regularly emails breaking research that I haven't spotted or don't have time to spot, got in touch recently with great insights on an article about Kisspeptin that I had seen. But I had managed to miss several things he spotted that may be important to anyone thinking about PSSD. A Kiss Before Sex The article reported a clinical trial on the Effects of Kisspeptin … [Read more...] about Touch Fibres, Autonomic Fibres and Kissing
PSSD and Small Fibre Neuropathy Investigation Runs Into Problems
In October 2022, we ran a blog post called “PSSD Patients Needed for Small Fibre Neuropathy Investigation”. It’s worth reading to get some background on the situation before continuing with this post. We had connected with a neurology department in Sheffield, UK, with the aim of recruiting several patients with post-SSRI sexual dysfunction (PSSD) who could be tested for … [Read more...] about PSSD and Small Fibre Neuropathy Investigation Runs Into Problems
Queen’s University PSSD Research Project
Caroline F. Pukall, PhD, CPsych Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Sexual Health (CIHR) Professor, Department of Psychology, Centre for Neuroscience Studies, Queen's University, Kingston ON K7L 3N6, Canada Email: Lab website: Twitter: @QSexLab; Instagram: qsexlab; Facebook: / Editor of Human Sexuality: A … [Read more...] about Queen’s University PSSD Research Project
What Twitter doesn’t Want you to Know about Sex
This brief post links to a development since the last - Everything you Want to Know about Sex - post. Twitter like Woody Allen seems to believe you shouldn't be allowed to ask certain questions. A few weeks ago I did a podcast with Liz Tucker on her What Your GP Doesn't Tell You podcast series - which has a lot of stellar interviews. It took a while to edit, finally … [Read more...] about What Twitter doesn’t Want you to Know about Sex
Everything You Want to Know about Sex *
Lost in Medication. Ask your doctor about the sexual side-effects of your meds. Based on Adam and Eve painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder in 1526. © Billiam James 2014 The title for the post comes from the W Allen movie Everything you Wanted to Know about Sex * But were Afraid to Ask. Not a title that has worn well with time. We have things we don't know about sex. You … [Read more...] about Everything You Want to Know about Sex *
Podcasts, YouTube Channels, Blogs and Related
In some of the comments after the last post, POGO mentioned that Josef Witt-Doerring has done two interviews with me so far and posted them on his site. The Risks of Antidepressants and Antidepressants and Mass Shootings/Murder Suicide: An interview has also appeared on Demystifying Science podcast with Anastasia & Michael Shilo The Podcast called … [Read more...] about Podcasts, YouTube Channels, Blogs and Related
A Cure for PSSD, PFS and Post-Isotretinoin Syndrome
The Holy Grail © Nina Otulakowski June 2022 You need to click on the image to get the full effects. In recent months, RxISK has been working closely with Luisa Guerrini in Milan, whose background is in research on regulatory proteins like p 63 and p 53, on which Thalidomide works. This discovery led to excitement a few years ago when it was thought the mechanism through which … [Read more...] about A Cure for PSSD, PFS and Post-Isotretinoin Syndrome
Science, Kansas and Pancakes
A long time ago, following work on the Restoration of Study 329, I was approached by Peter Goetzsche, featured above, to work on restoring the two trials that had got Prozac (fluoxetine) approved for children for depression. I may have suggested this idea to Peter in that from 2004 or so I was aware that reviewers in the US FDA had concluded that although they were going to … [Read more...] about Science, Kansas and Pancakes
PSSD Patients Needed for Small Fibre Neuropathy Investigation
We recently ran a couple of blog posts about the possibility of a link between post-SSRI sexual dysfunction (PSSD) and small fibre neuropathy: Sensory Receptors, Small Fibres and Neuropathy Antidepressant Neuropathy and the Color of Life The posts recapped some of the things we had previously discussed on the blog and also included new information about a Finnish … [Read more...] about PSSD Patients Needed for Small Fibre Neuropathy Investigation